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你喜欢袖珍台历吗?Do you like pocket calendars?

是一本台历,上面列出了所有的社区活动。It's a calendar with all the community events on it.

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我要订购两个办公柜和两份台历。I would like to order 2 offlce-style cabinets and desk calen?dars.

太贵了。有便宜点儿的吗?比如袖珍台历什么的。It is too expensive. Are there any cheaper ones? A pocket calendar, for example.

可以用来制做精装书壳、台历、挂历、书形盒、文件夹等。It is used to make perfect book covers, calendars, hanging calendars, files ect.

他对上帝、真爱以及人生意义的思考时常出现在贺卡和台历上。His musings on God, love and the meaning of life grace our greeting cards and day-timers.

本设计是一款基于STC单片机与CPLD控制的多功能电子台历。This paper introduces a multi-functional E-calendar based on the STC MCU and the CPLD control.

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广州市苍龙纸业有限公司是一家开发、生产、销售于一体的台历公司。Guangzhou CityúPaper Co. , Ltd. is a development, production and sales of the calendar company.

翻过去的台历是我们的人生积淀,接下来的日子需要我们认真思索。Turn over the past calendar is our life, accumulation, the next day we need to seriously ponder.

随着台历一天天一页页地被我们翻过去,我们则迎来了新的一年。As the calendar day by day we have a page being turned in the past, we are ushered in the new year.

应用于空调设备、暖气设备、电子体温计、液位传感、汽车电子、电子台历。It is used to air condition central heating clinical thermometer auto-electron electronic calender.

经营范围包括纸箱、彩盒、画册、说明书、海报、挂历、台历、礼品盒等。Business scope includes carton, box, pictures, brochures, posters, calendars, desk calendar, gift boxes.

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他还送她礼物,通常是些无害的东西,像拖鞋、台历、相框、铅笔和钢笔套。He took to sending her presents, usually innocuous things like slippers, Day-Timers, picture frames, pen-and-pencil sets.

这个台历用民间的习俗标注月份,比如将五月写成蒲月。This desk calendar marks the months according to folk customs, such as writing the fifth month of the lunar year as Pu month.

我注意到在2009年12月31日我的台历似乎比往常翻过去得更快些,但是我并不认为这是一种末日的预兆。I note that my desk calendar ends much sooner, on December 31, 2009, but I do not interpret this as a prediction of Armageddon.

时下,我对着台历上那最后的一页,不能无动于衷,简直可以用感慨万千来形容。Right now, I am facing the calendar on that last one, can not remain indifferent, simply can be filled with emotion to describe.

大字闪光万年历、礼品电话台历、各种彩色发光圆珠笔等系列产品深受人们青睐。Characters flash calendar, gifts phone calendar, various color light-emitting ball-point pen, etc. series products favored by people.

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公司成立于1995年,是专业从事高级红木商务台历及相关商务礼品设计、生产、销售的企业。Founded in 1995, we are dealing with the design, manufacturing and sale of exclusive rosewood business desk calendar and related business presents.

同时开发专版挂历、台历、笔记本、贺卡四项产品作为各大国内企业及外资企业的年末宣传展示。It also develops four products of exclusive calendar, desk calendar, notebook and greeting card for the year- end promotion of large companies at home and abroad.

在崇尚台历商务化的今天,其发展趋向精品化、高档化,同时也更注重了实用、时尚和品位。In the days of advocating commercialization, desk calendar products tend to be more delicate and exclusive besides the features of practicality, fashion and taste.