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你的礼貌到哪里去了呢?Whar's yo' manners?

攫夺是不礼貌的。It is rude to snatch.

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我们要有礼貌。We have to be polite.

而他很有礼貌。And he was very polite.

礼貌不须什麽代价。Civility costs nothing.

封陌生人要有礼貌些。Be politer to strangers.

服务员很没有礼貌。Your waiter is impolite.

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这是很忌讳的用语,非常地不礼貌Those are fighting words.

他缺乏礼貌。He is wanting in courtesy.

她有礼貌地向我行了个屈膝礼。She bobbed politely at me.

“您先请”是礼貌。After you" is good manners.

我认为这种人真不懂礼貌。Very rude of them, I think.

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假定,他懂得礼貌。Presumably, he felt modesty.

“绿牌”用来警告球员不礼貌的行为。A green card for bad manners.

我新买的马非常有礼貌。My new horse is very polite2.

让礼貌成为你的华饰!Let courtesy be your adorning.

他是个不懂礼貌的家伙。He is an impertinent young guy.

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边走边吃很不礼貌吗?Is it rude to eat while walking?

大家都怪他不懂礼貌。So he was blamed for no manners.

迟来的礼貌就是失礼。A slow courtesy is a discourtesy.