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热能与动力工程。Thermal Energy and Power Engineering.

太阳的热能将陆龟的卵孵出小龟。The heat of the sun hatches turtles' eggs.

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热能在这里变为电能。Here heat energy transforms to electricity.

甜菊糖苷是一种低热能的高倍甜味剂。Steviosides is a low heat energy sweetener.

你不能再改变热能。You can't change the energy anymore thermally.

如果你想要热能,你要做的一切就是打钻!If you want heat, all you have to do is drill for it!

很可能是因为女性遗失热能通过其他的机制。It's likely that women lose heat by other mechanisms.

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蛋白质产热在总热能中比例较高。The caloric produced by protein is higher relatively.

大阳可提供光能,热能和电能。The san provides us with light, heat and electricity.

但是,热能又被无数种的错误方式应用着。There are, however, uncountable ways to misapply heat.

太阳能集热器是收集太阳热能的一种途径。A solar collector is one way to collect heat from the sun.

所以摩擦力做负功-,转化成热能。So friction does negative work-- it's converted into heat.

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汉译英这一章是关于热能转化成动力的。The chapter is about the transformation of heat into pow er.

热能电阻的一个严重问题是容易漂移。A serious problem with thermistors is that they tend to drift.

直燃机排出的余热以热能的形式存在。The residual energy of heat will be excluded from the machine.

其中,热对流是热能在岩石裂隙中通过水流的传递。Convection is heat transmission from the rock to the water flow.

低的暖云比高的冷云发射更多的热能。Low, warm clouds emit more thermal energy than high, cold clouds.

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节制热能的饮食对想减肥的人很有帮忙。A calorie-controlled diet will help those who want to lose weight.

电热器使其电能转变为热能。Electric heaters have their electric energy transformed into heat.

该浓缩机组的浓缩热能损耗率低。The concentration unit has a low concentration heat energy loss rate.