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庆太君,英语学得怎么样了?Hing Tai Jun, English learning going?

闰之拒绝,太君以杀死东坡要挟。To leap the refusal, too gentleman to kill dongpo blackmail.

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闰之醒过来,知道是太君救她到鼓庄。Leap of wake up, I know is too gentleman to rescue her to the drum.

老太君一锤定音,“就这么决定了。"Is old too gentleman one pummel bench a sound, " comes to a decision so.

在历吏上的老太君们个个都是大智慧,大气破的女人。In the history of the old gentleman is great wisdom, all the women break atmosphere.

酒井太君听到了这个解释,要唐守成一定要协同自己攻打下老虎口,戴罪立功。Sakai Takimi heard the explanation to the Tang conservative must work to fight his tiger mouth, daizuiligong.

事过不久,姚太君就招来三儿,“去,把你俩小外甥女都接会来吧!The material leads soon, Yao also the gentleman recruit to three sons, "go, pick up 2 of you little nieces all meeting!"

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杨门精神领袖佘太君心明如镜,洞察先机,率领一众媳妇武装自己。Cacique of Yang Men spirit Ming Rujing of She Taijun heart, have an insight into first machine, lead one numerous daughter-in-law to arm oneself.

韩元坦言应是太君之举,更指合卺酒中放入催情药,而自己不想闰之有意外,宁愿与闰之调换酒杯。Won that should be too gentleman, more GeJin wine into the aphrodisiac, and they dont want to leap has an accident, rather than with a leap of changing glass.

回到马房着火处,杨安发现火褶的异样,太君推出是有人存心要对付杨家,杨安担保誓死保护杨家每一人安全。Back to the stable fire, Yang An found a strange fire fold, gentleman launch is someone to deal with Yang, Yang An secured pledges to protect everyone safe yang.

在宋营厨房,四郎的到来终被发现,太君喜极而泣,但得知四郎现在的身份,盛怒之下欲杀逆子。In kitchen of battalion of the Song Dynasty, the arrival of 4 man is discovered eventually, too Jun Xiji and sob, but be informed 4 man present identity, unfilial son is about to kill under choler.