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它指自作主张和轻蔑。Brook It implies self-assertion and defiance.

你才是心理医生,我才不会那么自作主张。You're the shrink. I'm not big on self-affirmation.

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青年自作主张,会因为小失误而犯大错。Youth Self assertion, because small mistakes and blunders.

然而,因为我的自作主张,人们认为我是自以为是。But I am deemed to be arrogant because I used my discretion.

不要因为是小事就不禀告父母而自作主张去做,那就不合为人子女的道理了。If you act just as you please, then you've not been a dutiful child.

柯林博士指出,“医生们也许在想,‘我是谁呀,我为什么要自作主张地知道我的病人需要什么?’”Doctors may think, ‘Who am I to presume to know what my patients need?

他觉得自己身强力壮,凡事自作主张,经常是他,第一个挑起了打架。He feels strong and independent. He is often the first one to start a fight.

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玉家醒来,发现伟宏自作主张,被气得又再昏倒。Jade home woke up and found wei macro self-assertion, were passed out again.

崔秀雅非常担心女儿于是自作主张将孝恩接回了韩国。Cui Xiuya daughter very worried so self-assertion, to filial piety back South Korea.

侍臣自作主张用五百两黄金买了死马的马骨。For some reason, this attendant bought the horse's bones with half of the gold he took.

医学患者们是聪明的,善言辞的,并且必须是允许自作主张的。MS patients are intelligent, informed, and must be allowed to make their own decisions.

几天前我自作主张地给上校打了个电话,也去拜访了他一下。I took the liberty of calling the Colonel a few days ago and visiting with him a little.

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贝尼格森自作主张,命令把军队都转移到高地上去。Bennigsen, on his own responsibility, ordered the troops to be moved on to the high-road.

中国在朝鲜问题上的立场,最为清晰的显示了中更多自作主张的态度。Beijing charted more of its own course most clearly with its communist neighbor, North Korea.

性格冲动,善于自作主张,焦躁不安,总是期望很快得到结果,给人留下急匆匆的印象。Is impulsive, self-assertive, restless, always wanting quick results and giving the impression of urgency.

她自作主张说,‘没关系,我们按点起飞,我会向乘客们解释的。’She took it upon herself to say, 'Okay, we're going to fly anyway, and I'll explain it to the passengers.'

一个女演员自作主张的改变了戏剧内容。导演非常不高兴。One of the actresses decided, off her own bat, to change her lines in the movie. The director wasn't happy.

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朝来不满金顺在公司里打他,自作主张地安排了几个流氓去教训金顺一顿。In order to get back at Jinshun for hitting him, Zhaolai hires a few hooligans to teach the latter a lesson.

一个惯于侵犯他人的人都有勇气,有力气。他觉得自己身强力壮,凡事自作主张,经常是他,第一个挑起了打架。An aggressive person has courage and energy. He feels strong and independent. He is often the first one to start a fight.

柔和横扫沙丘对分这构造物和活动力的植物是增强其秸秆自作主张向着天空。The gentle sweep of the dune bisects the frame and the energy of the plant is reinforced by its stalks thrusting skyward.