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吃完蟹黄就该吃蟹肉了。After eating crab roe, you can eat crab meat.

是的,下一个是蟹黄豆腐。Yes. The next one is bean curd with crab roe.

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如果条件允许,还可以放入剁碎的虾肉、蟹黄、蟹肉、蘑菇。You may also add minced shrimp, crab meat or mushroom if you like.

昂贵的配料通常是蟹肉和蟹黄。The more luxurious versions often have crab meat and a topping of crab roe.

这些是牛肉丸子、虾饺和蟹黄烧卖。These are the Steamed Beef Balls, Shrimp Dumplings and Steamed Crab Dumplings.

其色彩有金晕,蚕纹,蟹黄,紫带等等。Its color is Gold Halo, SilkWorm sheath, ovaries and fat, purple belt, and so on.

不知道是未到季节的缘故,没尝到海蟹的蟹黄蟹膏。I do not know the reason until they season, did not taste the crab-rich roe crab paste.

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老板请客,我们实在是太幸福了!我得多吃点蟹黄包子!We feel so happy that the boss treat us! I must eat lots of steamed buns stuffed with crab roe!

饱满的蟹黄、嫩嫩的蟹腿肉,只需简单料理,让您品尝到原始的新鲜美味。Full of Crab, fresh crab legs of venison, simple dishes, so you are fresh and delicious taste to the original.

那层酱料巧妙地将蟹黄蟹肉与特制番茄酱融合,入口即化,完美结合。The soy sauce mixing crab meat and special ketchup together will immediately reaches into your throat when tasted.

目的研究蟹黄肤宁软膏外敷给药的抗炎、止痒、治癣等作用。Objective To study the effects of Xiehuang Funing Ointment on anti-inflammation, anti-itch and anti- dermatophytosis.

中秋节日餐桌上的食物都是应季的,最受人们喜爱的当属大闸蟹,在秋季时大闸蟹个头最大,蟹黄最为肥美。The food on the table is seasonal, and often the main attraction is hairy crabs, which are at their largest and richest with roe during autumn.

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来来往往之间,时序已步入金秋九月,西风荡漾、清凉龚人,蟹黄蛙壮、万物丰稔,一派人兴市旺的景象。To and fro, timing has entered September autumn, wind waves, cool Gong Ren, crab frog Zhuang, everything Fengren, send the picture of flourishing of a city.

牛柳肉嫩多汁,菠菜奶味有余独特形状的饺子中,包有蟹黄和蟹肉和一些蔬菜。Surrounded by the lovely-shaped and creamy spinach, the raviolis containing reddish-yellow crab meat taste rather soft and the wrappers never stick to teeth.

比方说,在一个爵士俱乐部女服务员向我推荐蟹黄饼,可实际上它并不好吃。I was uncertain about whether or not to send them back. When the waitress came by and asked how the food was, I said that I didn't really like the crab cakes.

打开蟹斗,如果是母蟹,你就会在蟹的腹部看到一块鲜黄色的蟹黄,这是大闸蟹最美味的部分。Circular crab who first opened the lid, if it is a parent, you will see of glistening yellow in the belly of the local crab roe. This is what most delicious crab.

本发明提高了梭子蟹蟹黄含量,提高养殖产品风味,提高了养殖效益。The invention satisfies the nutrition demand of swimming crab, increases the crab oil content of swimming crab, improves culture product flavor, and increases culture benefit.

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饱满的蟹黄、嫩嫩的蟹腿肉以及正宗的神户牛肉,让您真正享受日本顶级料理的美味,相信您定会醉心于美食之间,不要怪我没提醒您啊!Full of crab roe, crab leg, as well as the genuine Kobe beef, make you truly enjoy the taste of Japan's top cuisine. I believe you will be engrossed in gourmet, do not blame me not to remind you ah!