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我不会看温度表上的度数。I can't read what the thermometer says.

昨天温度表上显示的读数为摄氏29度。The thermometer registered 29℃ yesterday.

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温度表已降到零下20摄式度。Thethermometer has fallen to 20℃below zero.

母亲的心是儿女们感情的温度表。Maternal heart is children people emotive thermometer.

温度表棚,九龙尖沙咀香港天文台。Thermometer shed, Hong Kong Observatory, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon.

土壤温度表,九龙尖沙咀香港天文台。Earth thermometers, Hong Kong Observatory, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon.

经常检查温度表、压力表的可靠性。Carry out regular checks of thermometers , pressure gauges reliability.

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要了解工作压力细节,参阅第46页的压力温度表。For detailed Operating Pressure, refer to Pressure Temperature Chart on page 46.

罇如果需要工作压力的详细资料,请参阅第109页的压力温度表。For detailed Operating Pressure, refer to Pressure Temperature Chart on page 109.

如果需要工作压力的细节,请参阅第91页的压力温度表。For detailed Operating Pressure, refer to Pressure Temperature Chart on pages 91.

优秀的超快速热电偶温度表,是霓虹灯应用的完美选择。Great ultra fast thermocouple probe for tubular glass perfect for Neon Applications.

如果需要工作压力的细节,请参阅第71和72页的压力温度表。For detailed Operating Pressure, refer to Pressure Temperature Chart on pages 71 and 72.

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阐述了电子温度表组成部分的基本构成和工作原理。The fundamental constitute and working elements of electronic thermometer was elaborated.

材料的局限、限制和特殊要求,在压力-温度表中体现。Material limitations, restrictions, and special requirements are shown on pressure-temperature tables.

温度表降到零下十八度的时候,我们也是在廊下睡觉。The thermometer had dropped to 18 degrees below zero, but we still chose to sleep in the porch as usual.

温度表置放于远离障碍物的百叶箱中,以便取得自由运动空气的标准值。Thermometers are placed in shelters far away from obstacles so as to get free-moving air standard values.

我目不转睛的盯着温度表,因为这样的速度对黑鸟会是致命的。My eyes are glued to temperature gauges now, as I know the jet will willingly go to speeds that can harm her.

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从行车电脑,罗盘,和温度表显示模组上拆下按压按钮模组线束接头。Unplug the push button module wire harness connector from the trip computer, compass, and thermometer display module.

温度表用来测量温度。大多数的数字温度表都配用K型的热电偶。Thermometer is used for temperature measurement. In most case a digital thermometer plus K-type thermal couple is used.

启动酸泵,让三氯化铁溶液在机器内循环,观察温度表最高不能超过50度。Start the acid pump, so that ferric chloride solution in the machine cycle, observe the thermometer may not exceed 50 degrees.