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你不见得是惊吓了罢!Donpt tell me you are frighted !

他今晚不见得会来。He's not likely to come tonight.

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做某事不见得有什堋好处。There is no virtue in doing sth.

便宜的东西不见得都是好货。Cheap things are not always good.

被狗咬的不见得都是小偷。All are not -ves that dogs bark at.

不见得,关于我和格雷格也许是。Not really. Maybe about me and Greg.

你的思想不见得都很深刻。Not all of your thoughts are profound.

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哦,那闪电可真坏,不见得。But lightning must be nasty. Not really.

大部分人知道这一点,但并不见得真正明白。Most people know it, but they don’t get it.

点头并不见得一定意味着同意。Nodding must not always be read as agreement.

不见得,他是个小人,对吧?Not necessarily. Smelly little bugger, was he?

而另外几种形式的B.P.H.就不见得是良性的了。A more severe form of B.P.H. is not always benign.

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幸福或许是诸葛三顾也不见得成。Perhaps happiness is not necessarily as Zhuge 3 Gu.

邱吉尔说过,批评不见得总是令人茍同,但的确有其必要。Criticism may not be agree-able, but it is necessary.

真正的朋友不见得每次都能令你开怀大笑。True friends may not be able to make you laugh everytime.

总不见得你脚还踩在一垒上就想着跑到二垒去吧。You can't make it to second base with your foot on first.

侦察排总不见得会永远在海滩上闲荡吧。The platoon ain't gonna be hanging around the beach forever.

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这景色不见得很美,却是一幅秋日风情画。This scenery is not very beautiful, but a picture of autumn.

但从噩梦中醒来不见得会给予你安慰。But waking from a bad dream does not necessarily console you.

不见得因为我在汉斯福骂了他一顿,就会使他这样面目一新吧?My reproofs at Hunsford could not work such a change as this.