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我相信了他的话。我的团队很年轻,求知若渴。I took him at his word. My team were young.

他们求知若渴、对人脉和想法也同样饥渴。They were hungry for knowledge, connections, and ideas.

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他们解释说,他们的工作是要教导求知若渴的人。Their job, they explained, was to teach anyone eager to learn.

野心勃勃、求知若渴、精力充沛,这些特征使得它成为一部“创新机器”。Ambitious, curious and full of vigour, it is "a machine for innovation".

一向以“求知若渴,虚心若愚”的人生决定信念严格要求本身。Has been "thirsty for knowledge and an impression on" strict belief in life itself.

如果你是一个求知若渴的露营者或者是徒步旅行者,你应该在你的下次远足中锻炼一下建造一个容身之处。If you're an avid camper or hiker, you should practice building a shelter on your next excursion.

他求知若渴的停止学习,好追根寻底,有积极探求的进取肉体。He was thirsty for knowledge of the learning, good Tracing Xundi have actively explored the spirit of progress.

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在这个时期,年轻,有活力,求知若渴的国家就拥有明显的优势,比方像印度,中国和巴西。During this phase, young, booming nations with a thirst for knowledge like India, China and Brazil have a clear advantage.

寒风中,年迈的教授和求知若渴的学子,吃着冷点心,喝着冷矿泉,吹着冷东风,兴致勃勃地交谈。Seasoned professors and knowledge-hungry students delighted in their talk despite cold snack foods, cold mineral water, and the cold east wind.

我注意到,人们谁阅读大量的博客和许多书也往往好奇心,求知若渴,更快地采用新的思想和更愿意做的重要工作。I've noticed that people who read a lot of blogs and a lot of books also tend to be intellectually curious, thirsty for knowledge, quicker to adopt new ideas and more likely to do important work.