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脱衣舞女的岁数都大了。The strippers were older.

我个头大岁数大,怎么会要输?I was bigger, older, yet losing?

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无论多大岁数,你都可以锻炼肌肉。You can build muscle at any age.

这些古树的岁数可都不小了。These ancient trees are quite old.

这种情况经常发生在你这样岁数的人。This often happens to people of your age.

表示他们跟你一样,也是有岁数的。To show that, like you, they have an age.

按岁数排,该老潘排第一。By seniority, first place goes to Lao Pan.

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她还没老到得典型性痴呆的岁数。She wasn't quite old enough for classic dementia.

我那时只有十一岁,但看上去比我实在的岁数要大些。I was then only eleven, but looked older than my age.

撒拉享寿一百二十七岁、这是撒拉一生的岁数。Sarah lived to be a hundred and twenty-seven years old.

对于姨夫,晓之于理,那样岁数的人了,他还能咱样?The uncle, known the truth, as older people, he can let?

亚历山大20岁的姐姐是岁数第二小的上榜富豪。Her 20-year-old sister is the second youngest on the list.

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通常这岁数的病人,都会由年轻一代的陪同。Usually, a patient of that age will be escorted by a younger.

“我这个年龄以及岁数更大的人还在吃藜麦,”Vasquez女士说。“People my age and older are eating quinoa, ” Ms. Vásquez said.

而眼前的年轻女人岁数只及自己的一半,也是参加这次活动的唯一黑人女性。This young woman was half his age and the only black woman there.

连孩子们也在做,如果他们岁数到了能自己做罐儿的时候。Even the children, if they were old enough to make pots of their own.

你别再混日子啦,像你这岁数早该找个活儿干了。You'd better not to muck about any more. You're old enough to get a job.

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未满岁数就喝酒是违法的,但这却是大学生活中一个很平常的组成部分。Underage drinking is a crime but also a common part of college social life.

提出请求人无须务必满意雇主提名儿政策中关于岁数的条文规定。The applicant does not have to satisfy any ENS requirements relating to age.

他们的球员大都上了岁数,在切尔西挣着养老金。The majority of the squad are aging and putting the pensioners into Chelsea.