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对于再生障碍性贫血。Aplastic anemia.

对于溶血性贫血。Hemolytic anemias.

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对于镰状细胞性贫血。Sickle cell anemia.

对于缺铁性贫血。Iron deficiency anemia.

对于慢性病性贫血。Anemia of chronic disease.

什么是缺铁性贫血?What is iron-deficiency anemia?

食管炎可能引起贫血。Anemia may result from esophagitis.

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缺铁可导致贫血。Iron deficiency can lead to anaemia.

病毒唑增加贫血的风险。Ribavirin increased the risk of anaemia.

贫血有许多不同的类型。There are many different types of anemia.

溶血和贫血的症状都较轻。Symptoms of hemolysis and anemia are less.

对于骨髓疾病相关性贫血。Anemias associated with bone marrow disease.

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医生说她的疲劳是由贫血引起的。The doctor ascribes her tiredness to anemia.

巴贝斯虫病能引起犬只的溶血性贫血。Babesiosis can cause hemolytic anemia in dogs.

再生障碍性贫血的诊断标准。Criteria for the diagnosis of aplastic anemia?

结果是造成渐进性的溶血性贫血。The result is a progressive haemolytic anaemia.

贫血会加重乙肝吗?。Liver of second of anaemic meeting accentuation?

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但AZT会引发严重的副作用,像是贫血。AZT can cause severe side effects, such as anemia.

这种贫血的铁贮量正常,骨髓表现为增殖型。Active hyperplasia could be seen in the bone marrow.

非贫血组患者无显著变化。There was no significant change in non-anemic group.