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使用剧本撰写软件。Use screenwriting software.

撰写人物传记的能力。Skills of writing a biography.

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博斯威尔撰写的约翰逊传记。Boswell's biography of Johnson.

谢谢你撰写你的博客。Thank you for writing your blog.

他正在努力地撰写论文。He is working hard at this thesis.

评论者可以撰写书籍评论。Reviewers can write reviews of books.

这两本书都是玛格莉特·怀兹·布朗撰写的。Both are books by Margaret Wise Brown.

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需要你们撰写报告,学术论文。You'll be writing paper, academic paper.

他为Forbes.com撰写每周专栏。He writes a weekly column for

基松宾女士帮助撰写了粮农组织的这份报告。Ms. Quisumbing helped write the FAO report.

剧本撰写既是科学也是艺术。Screenwriting is both an art and a science.

他正在为一篇书评撰写故事梗概。He is abstracting a story for a book review.

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为了撰写一份传记类书评,我阅读了此书。I read this book for a biography book report.

这样非常好,任何新的博客撰写者都能做到。That’s the best thing any new blogger can do.

脚本撰写,但需要稍微校对…Script written but needs slight proof-reading.

先为你的剧本撰写一份大纲。Write a treatment or outline your script first.

联合撰写的慈善歌曲“我们是世界。Co-writes the charity anthem "We Are the World."

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撰写报告、项目建议书并修订。Write reports, project proposals, and amendments.

我们创造自己的实相,也撰写属于自己的故事。We make our own reality and write our own stories.

什么意思?…◎他的团体正给班集体撰写着一份规范制度表。His group is makeing a list of rules for the class.