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报价单纷至沓来。We were deluged with offers.

寄给我们的信件纷至沓来。We've been deluged with letters.

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请明星出席聚会的邀请纷至沓来。The star was besieged with invitations to parties.

当两人刚开始约会时,各种猜测便纷至沓来。When the couple first dated, there were all kinds of conjectures.

一些纯电力汽车也已经面世,更多的种类纷至沓来。A few pure electric cars are already offered, and more are coming.

参赛者纷至沓来,我真心希望能够犒赏每一个参与者。So many people entered and I really wish I could reward everybody.

而纷至沓来的人际关系纠结,令我心生恐惧。And come in a throng relationship tangled, taught my heart to fear.

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放置一个更具吸引力的诱饵,世界的机遇将纷至沓来。Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door.

夜晚躺在床上的时候,各种离奇怪诞的幻想纷至沓来。The most grotesque fantastic conceits haunted him in his bed at night.

夜晚躺在床上的时候,各种离奇怪诞的幻想纷至沓来。The most grotesque and fantastic conceits haunted him in his bed at night.

我用了一个月,发现垃圾邮件还是纷至沓来。After using that for one month, there are still thousands of spams in my inbox.

当公司开始向市场大量投放时,各种意见就会纷至沓来。As companies come close to mass-market launches, opinions are flying fast and furious.

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盛名之下,荣誉和讲演邀请书纷至沓来。His popularity was so great that he was deluged with honors and invitations to lecture.

这个城市就像一个巨大的杂烩大煮锅,引得来自不同国度的天才艺术家纷至沓来。The melting pot of the city has merged the talent of artists with their various origins.

"雅园"自1982年作为博物馆向公众开放以来,四方游客纷至沓来。Since Graceland opened to the public as a museum in 1982, it has been a magnet for visitors.

越南战争发动了新年攻势、马丁.路德.金和罗伯特.肯尼迪被暗杀、苏联入侵捷克斯洛伐克、骚乱席卷全球、还有美军在越南的梅莱大屠杀......,坏消息纷至沓来,不一而足。Kennedy, the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, riots across the world and the My Lai massacre.

Tahrir广场爆发阵阵欢呼,随后歌声和烟花纷至沓来,人们以此庆祝这来之不易的胜利。Tahrir Square erupts in cheers and later song and fireworks as people celebrate a hard-won victory.

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此后,良莠不一的此类图书纷至沓来,表明市场对此类图书有强劲的需求。Since then, the influx of good and bad books of varying type, indicating strong market demand for such books.

即使我们试着忘却,并且一些人真的试着忘记是斯通在拍布什,新闻还是纷至沓来。Even though we’ve tried to forget, and some have tried to forget Stone is making W, news keep pouring in about it.

是建筑师和设计师们专业技能的丧失,招致了纷至沓来瞎掺和的演员、音乐人、模特。The rush of actors, musicians and models to become architects and designers is partly a consequence of de-skilling.