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他被终身监禁。He was imprisoned for life.

他因参与抢劫监禁了六个月。He was gaoled for six months.

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而理查德的妻子则被判处20天的监禁。His wife got a 20-day sentence.

但我还是得继续监禁他。But I must keep incarcerate him.

他被监禁在一个塔状石头建筑物内。He incarcerate in a stone tower.

口袋标签上写着“HM监禁”。The pocket label reads 'HM Prisons.'

科勒尔可能面临21个月的监禁。Coral could face 21 months in prison.

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如果指控成立,他将面临终身监禁。He faces life in prison if convicted.

王被这下垂的发绺监禁了。The king is fettered by your tresses.

于是有位太太就把波里希内儿监禁。Then a lady put Punchinello in prison.

王被这下垂的发绺监禁了。The king is captivated by your tresses.

他在狱中被监禁了十年。He was confined to prison for ten years.

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我被监禁在这辆行驶缓慢的电车里。I was imprisoned in the slow-moving car.

他们每个人可能面临25年监禁的判决。Each could face up to 25 years in prison.

他们通常不监禁初次犯罪的人。They don't imprison first-time offenders.

被监禁的经历并没有令我愤怒。The jail experience did not make me angry.

那人因重大盗窃案而被监禁。The man was put in jail for grand larceny.

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但我还是得继续监禁他。Incarcerate me, sirs, I am a free born man!

现年53岁的拉贾拉特南将面临20年监禁。Rajaratnam, 53, now faces 20 years in prison.

他因使用伪币被监禁。He was imprisoned for passing forged banknotes.