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首先应该是老大与老小。The first one is first and last borns.

一家老小沉浸在喜悦中,亲情浓郁!A first immersed in the joy, the family rich!

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作为家中的老小被娇生惯养,我的愿望被满足了。Being the youngest and spoilt, my with was granted.

他们不会开小差,因为开了小差,一家老小都要给枪毙。Old man Calvin worked in a wheat mill not far from his house.

为什么神族玩家在面对人族全家老小一波流的时候要扩张开二矿?Why does a Protoss player take an expo against a Terran All-In?

一家老小围着火堆,在朗朗笑声中跳火开始了。Have families around the fire, in the Lang Lang laughter arcing began.

汤圆又称元宵,象征着一家老小团团圆圆,幸福完美。The traditional food of the festival is sweet dumplings, which symbolize reunion.

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吃蟹脚耗时,所以很适合一家老小,亲朋好友聚在一起,边说笑边啃蟹脚。Eat crab legs are killing time, good opportunities for family and friends to chat.

我只知道呜呜地哭,却爱莫能助,全家老小别提有多难受了。I only know whimpered, I don't think I can help, the whole family indescribably sad.

回是回来了,眼见着一家老小张着口要东西吃,愁坏了秀嫂。Now that they were back home, Xiu was seriously worried about the family's livelihood.

请去巴基斯坦快乐地生活。此外,请把一家老小也带上。Please go to Pakistan and be very happy. Also, please take your whole family with you.

过了几年,张堪一病呜呼,丢下一家老小艰辛度日。Several years later, Zhang Kan alas a disease, leaving a hard to make ends meet youngest.

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流星是一颗星星的结束,流星雨是一颗大星星拖着一家老小一起结束。Meteors are a group of stars end, meteor shower is a huge star dragged family end together.

然后,全家人围坐在一起,茶点瓜果放满一桌,一家老小,边吃边乐,说说笑笑。Then the whole family will sit together. The whole table is full of refreshments and fruits.

但我们必须确保世锦赛的主要受益者不仅仅是华纳先生和他的一家老小。We need to ensure that the major beneficiaries extend beyond simply Mr Warner and his family.

我做小本生意的,别没收我的摊子好不好?我们全家老小就指着这个小摊呢。I told you not to move, so don't move. Be good and park the cart! Don't obstruct official business.

她下岗之后就做起了专职管家婆,照料一家老小的生活起居。After being laid off from work, she became a full-time housekeeper, taking care of the whole family.

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加上勤奋工作,善用才智,就能开创事业,维持一家老小的生活。If he worked hard and used his intelligence, he could start a business and support a wife and family.

你的老小,我明日便取回去养在家里,待你回来完聚。Tomorrow I will bring them to my home, and from now on we will live together and wait for your return.

饭后,孩子们放爆竹,或一家老小坐在电视机旁看春晚。Children light crackers excitedly, while the rest gather around to watch the Spring Festival Gala program.