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例如,丹麦正在发展成一个重要的普适计算中心。Denmark, for example, is emerging as a leading center for pervasive computing.

允许多个计算中心的闲置能力得到最优化的使用,提升了效率。Allows optimum use of spare capacity for multiple computer centres, making it more efficient.

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它们已成功地用于同济大学沪东校区计算中心网站。They have successfully been used on the website of Computer Center of Hudong Campus Tongji University.

该方法已编制成计算机程序,在南京工学院计算中心的DPS—8计算机上应用。This method has been programmed for DPS-8 computer in the computing center, Nanjing Institute of Technology.

公司在爱尔兰设有大型运营部门,而在亚特兰大,一个大型的计算中心最近刚刚完工。The company has major operations in ireland and a big computing center has recently been completed in atlanta.

按具体用户的需求来设计数据处理用的计算中心或网络的过程。The process of designing a data-processing installation or network to meet the requirements of particular users.

紧挨着惠普云计算中心的就是运算速度全球排名第二的超级计算机——“天河一号”,共由138个机柜组成。Just next door to HP's cloud computing center, 138 cabinets hold the world's second fastest supercomputer, Tianhe-1A.

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在多个时区都拥有计算中心使昼夜不停的监控易如反掌并保证了可靠的专业支持。Having computer centres in multiple time zones eases round-the-clock monitoring and the availability of expert support.

国家超级计算长沙中心建成后,将使世界上具有千万亿次计算能力的超级计算中心和国家级实验室增加到八家。Once completed, the NSCC in Changsha will add to the world's eight quadrillion-level supercomputing centers and national labs.

“500强名单肯定有一个挥舞着国旗元素”乔恩洛克利博士说,他是牛津大学超级计算中心经理。"The Top 500 list definitely has an element of flag waving, " said Dr Jon Lockley, manager of the Oxford Supercomputing Centre.

未来的系统有可能安装在陆军的区域处理中心和/或国防信息系统局的企业计算中心。The future system might be housed at an Army area processing center, a Defense Information Systems Agency enterprise computing center or both.

在东营云计算战略指导下,实现了对黄河三角洲云计算中心关键技术的研究。Under Dongying's cloud computing strategy, achieved the study of the key technologies of the cloud computing platform of the Yellow River Delta.

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在以网络为计算中心的时代,迅速发展的无线数字通讯网络和便携式计算设备引入了一种全新的移动计算范型。Recent advances in wireless data networking and portable computing, devices have engendered a new paradigm of computing, called mobile computing.

文章的目标是为大型计算中心和信息服务机构提供一个较为全面的局域网安全防护体系。The purpose of this paper is to present a comprehensive security protection architecture for large computing centers and information service providers.

这部巨大的机器目前安装在长沙,但将在今年年底安置到北方港口城市天津的超级计算中心。The giant machine, now housed in Changsha, will be installed in the National Supercomputing Center in north China's port city Tianjin at the end of this year.

本文介绍了大连大学计算中心用磁卡作为输入方式,对机房管理的一系列工作在计算机上进行开发,建立了具有高效率的机房调度管理系统.。Work of computer house's management has been developed with magnetic-card and computer house's management system has been established in the computation center.

微软已花费数十亿美元来构建需要启动搜索和广告体系的计算中心,收购拥有专业技术的创新企业。Microsoft has spent billions of dollars building the computing centers needed to power search and advertising systems and acquiring start-ups with niche expertise.

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一旦事件被记录下来,探测器信号的详情就会发送到五大洲的计算中心。Once an event is recorded, the details of detector signals are sent out to computing centres on five continents, where over a few days software reconstructs particle tracks.

根据一份新的价值3.44亿美元的合同,洛·马公司将在四个国防部科学研究地点运作和维持高性能计算中心。Lockheed Martin Corp. will operate and maintain the high-performance computing centers at four Defense Department scientific research sites under a new $344 million contract.

最佳的系统结构是以铁路局计算中心为实时追踪处理点的四级计算机网络。The optimum system architectures is the four-level computer network that centralizes the process of real-time tracing information in the computer centers at the railway bureau.