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它写得像散文诗一样优美。It is a beautifully written prose-poem.

我爱好古典音乐、散文诗以及艺术。I love classical music, prose poetry and art.

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在“散文诗”这个栏目里有许多美妙的散文诗提供。There are beautiful prose poetry offered in our Prose and Poetry section.

格律诗、自由诗、散文诗是诗的三种基本体裁。Metrical poetry, free verse and prose poetry are three basic poetry genres.

散文诗是一种咒语,能够编织梦想,让梦想进入更美妙的演奏中。Prose are an incantation that spells dreams into transfigurative rendition.

本文试图以同题散文诗为研究对象,对它的相关理论进行探究。The article is to research and discuss theories on prose poem of a same theme.

根据预言所说的,散文诗够准确的了因为它忽略了一些细节。With that said, this verse is accurate because it cheats a bit on the specifics.

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散文诗,从人间烟火中走进唯爱唯美的艺术境界。Prose Poetry walks from world's life into an art state full of love and aestheticism.

Ckantor的传递基础是散文诗,它是通过人类聚焦在梦想时间,体验变革进而荣曜变革来传递的。Ckantor is a poetic prose based accolade of foray of expressing the focus of dreamtime.

那散文诗没有设限,而他们的舞蹈被荣曜到两人的失败之中。The prose transfigures not and the dance accolades into a system of failure of the two.

在另一首散文诗里面,“长城”倒下据说是意味着攻占巴士底狱。In another verse, the "great wall" falling is said to mean the storming of the Bastille.

散文诗咒语就是一种可以荣曜一个新的偶发事件的序列,让人们去经历相对光明的偶发事件。Prose incantations can accolade a new sequence of happenstance that is lighter to experience.

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他们背诵了一首散文诗,就像你从这篇文章看到的,是关于让他们俩演奏梦想,同步到真我之中。He recites a prose from an essay or two to rendition the dream back into synchronicity of self.

但是,散文和诗可以互补,两者的美质可以交叉融合,从而衍生出散文诗。However, prose and poetry can be complementary, both cross-Fusion Beauty can thus derive prose.

我建议你们,每天只读一次散文诗,然后就可以意愿梦想根据意愿来改变了。Speak the prose only once per day and intend to transfigure the dream according to the intention.

如果梦想时间存在太多的黑暗,就很难通过散文诗去带来正面的偶发事件的变革。Dreamtime that is dark is difficult to foray for positive happenstance through prose incantations.

如果你是在9月11日之前阅读这些散文诗的话,你可能会以为这一预言指的是一场地震什么的或者火山爆发之类的。If you read this verse before Sept. 11, you might assume it referred to an earthquake or volcanic eruption.

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这个诗篇并没有提供新的信息但是与在前面的散文诗是相匹配的。The verses do not furnish us with fresh information but deal with what is found in the foregoing prose passages.

许淇的散文诗把对北方大地的赞美和对勤劳淳朴的兄弟民族的讴歌作为主旋律。Celebrating the Northern Land and those diligent and rustic minorities is the important topic of Xu Oi s prose-poems.

这种生长于交叉边缘地带的散文诗,可以使人别开生面,创造出另一种全新的审美体验。The growth in cross-frontier zone of prose poems that can make people fascinating, create another new aesthetic experience.