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大型资产泡沫使得中国陷入了进退维谷的地步。The massive property bubble is creating ahuge dilemma to China.

如果沙特阿拉伯一直陷于这样的进退维谷之中,沙特阿拉伯人本身就该承担部分责任。If Saudi Arabia remains such a conundrum, the Saudis themselves are partly to blame.

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在这种进退维谷的处境下,素来基伯爵为挽救他个人的荣誉只有一条路可走。In this cruel position count teleki saw but one means of saving his personal honour.

副总统布什对于伊朗及尼国叛军的丑闻一事,进退维谷。Vice President George Bush is between a rock and a hard place on the Iran- Contra scandal.

暴雪使千万计旅客在民族节日前进退维谷、束手无策。Heavy snowfalls have stranded thousands of passengers ahead of the nation's vacation period.

美国目前的财政状况让奥巴马进退维谷,既不能增加减税力度也不能削减公共开支。The state of America's finances means Obama will either have to raise taxes or cut public spending.

但美国人也毫无让步之意,鸠山政府必定要顾此失彼,进退维谷。But with America sticking to its guns, the Hatoyama administration is bound to upset one side or other.

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索菲娅尾随着艾瑞克回到他的公寓,向他摆明了其处境并讲清利害关系让艾瑞克进退维谷。Sophie followed Eric back to his apartment, he keeps to the situation and clear concern let aeryn grams dilemma.

但是,当科学家们受难题困扰进退维谷时,当他们发现了自己不能解答的新奇问题时,他们也很快乐。But scientists are also happy when become stuck, when they discover interesing questions that they cannot answer.

人们在发展与陌生人的友谊和联系已经认识的朋友和家人之间进退维谷。People were torn between developing friendships with strangers and contacting old friends and family they already knew.

美国人获得了独立,但又陷入进退维谷的迷思,不知如何在旧体制之外发掘自身的个性特征。Americans won their independence and were then faced with the bewildering dilemma of discovering their identity apart from old authorities.

这个问题使信徒和无神论者都进退维谷,前者暗自担心上帝真得死了,而后者可能回答“不”。It is a question that tantalizes both believers, who perhaps secretly fear that he is, and atheists, who possibly suspect that the answer is no.

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所以,中国想要走出这种进退维谷困境,即使有方法,也是很少。中国实际上骑虎难下。So, the bullets China has in order to emerge from this rock-and-a-hard-place situation are few, if any at all. China is indeed riding the tiger.

带着同情和理解,我追求着举例讲道理这种无穷尽的进退维谷场合排场,并且来表达那些像我一样永远患着想望之病的人。With compassion and understanding, I seek to illustrate this eternal dilemma and give voice to those who like myself are forever sick with desire.

作家以现实主义的笔蚀深刻揭露了维多利亚王朝,清晰刻画了现代资本主义社会中人们进退维谷的艰难处境。The writer revealed the Victorian Dynasty in a realistic style and vividly described the difficult dilemma of the people in the capitalist society.

一些人,比如莫斯科市长尤里·卢日科夫对如此多的金钱似乎进退维谷而深感挫折,他希望这笔钱可以注入经济。Some, like Moscow’s mayor, Yuri Luzhkov, are frustrated that so much of the money seems to have been held back and want it to be poured into the economy.

换言之,我认为这些演讲之所以会充斥着,字词,语言,言论和书籍,其实只是一种进退维谷的困境。In other words, I'm arguing that the saturation of these speeches with signs of words, language, speaking, words, books, is just the dilemma of the character.

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随着新年的临近,澳大利亚东北部昆士兰的数千居民受到热带气旋塔莎带来的洪水影响而进退维谷。As the New Year approached, thousands of residents in Queensland, northeastern Australia, found themselves stranded by floodwaters from Tropical Cyclone Tasha.

这一进退维谷的结局——当地农民挣得更多,能享用藜麦优质营养的玻利维亚人却更少了——让营养学家与政府官员着急寻求解决之道。The resulting quandary — local farmers earn more, but fewer Bolivians reap quinoa’s nutritional rewards — has nutritionists and public officials grasping for solutions.

两夫妻之间彼此互相不信任,以及妻子河东狮般的性格还有丈夫懦弱的本性和经不起诱惑,最后内心充满矛盾,进退维谷。Both of the spouses distrust each other. The wife is lionesque but the husband is cowardly and easy lured . Finelly, the husband is full of contradiction in the ambiguous spot.