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是涂鸦还是达芬奇密码?Doodler or da Vinci?

密码保留空白。Leave the password blank.

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他们能破译这种密码。They could read the code.

此密码有许多名字。This code has many names.

他有很多麻烦,腾达路由器初始密码。He is in a lot of trouble.

请输入正确的登陆密码!Please input your password.

输入系统管理员密码。Enter the sysadmin password.

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或者把密码发送到我的邮箱。Or send password to my Email?

密码栏不能为空。Pasword fields can't be empty.

请输入新密码!Please enter the new password!

这里就使用了密码技术。There's cryptography going on.

你确定他能解得开密码吗?You sure he'll crack that code?

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请回上页填写密码!Please go back to fill password.

那就是你的个人密码。That’s your individual password.

如果忘记或丢失密码怎么办?What if forget or lose the code?

但是他们一直不能破译这些密码。But they couldn't break the code.

你如何选择你的密码?How do you choose your passwords?

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再次输入新密码并确认Re-enter the password to confirm.

密码应该是不可见的。The password should be invisible.

这个间谍用密码发送情报。The spy sent his message in code.