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可能两者缺一不可。Probably both.

三个支点缺一不可。Three fulcrums lack a can't.

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德与法是治国之二柄,两者相辅相成,缺一不可。Morality and law are related with each other.

每一个认真思考的人都明白,这两者缺一不可。Every serious thinker understands we need both.

"两者相辅相成,缺一不可,"该官员表示."It's not either-or. It's both," the official said.

事实上,我认为它们是相辅相成,缺一不可的。In fact, I believe they make it each other possible.

显然办公自动化这一人机系统,人,机,缺一不可。Apparently in a man-machine system, both are necessary.

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要想让他的政权得以幸存,上述两方面或许缺一不可。His regime's survival may require stores of both attributes.

对于一个成功的写作来说,这两点缺一不可。For a succe ful writing activity to ha en, both are nece ary.

恰恰相反,它们缺一不可,可以而且应该是相辅相成的。It is the opposite. They can and should be mutually reinforcing.

德治与法治从来都是相辅相成的,二者缺一不可。To administer by morals and administer by law are complementary.

有时候一个完美的作品天时地利人和缺一不可。Sometimes things come along at the perfect time and it's sort of fate.

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阿力成功的秘诀是信心与勤奋两者缺一不可。Eric's recipe for success is a balanced mix of confidence and diligence.

出类拔萃的动物摄影对经验、知识与耐心的要求缺一不可。Excellent animal photography requires experience, knowledge and patience.

数据统计跟用户调研是相辅相成的,缺一不可。Data statistics and customers' survey are complementary and indespensable.

他注重文艺作品的结构、辞采、气骨、风雅、滋味,并且认为这些要素缺一不可。He paid attention to the structure, words and content of a literature work.

系统、内容、市场缺一不可。分润是选项但强烈建议。System, Content, and Market. Profit share is optional but strongly recommended.

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这两种产品,在减肥的过程中,相辅相成,缺一不可!These two products, in weight-loss process, complementary to each other can not!

阅读需要的是人生阅历和想象能力,缺一不可。Reading is something else, an engagement of the imagination with life experience.

ETEC的致病作用与其具有粘附性菌毛和产肠毒素密切相关,二者缺一不可。The pathogenesis of ETEC is strongly related to adhesive fimbriae and enterotoxin.