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文出口磨损。Coven export wear.

这辆车已经开始磨损。The car is wearing out.

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从层磨损的痕迹。Scuff marks from floors.

优力胶轮,耐磨损。PU wheel, abrasion-proof.

这布已磨损得很薄了。This cloth has worn thin.

这种材料很容易磨损。This material frays easily.

流沙磨损岩石。Drifting sand abrades rocks.

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磨损的活字印得不清楚。Badly worn type prints poorly.

过度的穿用已经磨损了这双靴子。Hard use has worn these boots.

为了不被磨损之间喂食。Not to be worn between feedings.

磨损作用也助长了风的侵蚀。Abrasion also abets wind erosion.

手煞车杆已磨损。The hand-brake lever is worn out.

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崎岖不平的道路磨损了我们的汽车。Rough roads had battered our cars.

到处都是磨损的痕迹!There are scuff marks all over it!

嗯,速度计磨损了。Well, the speedometer is worn out.

无磨损的高精度技术。Non-wear high-precision technology.

这些黑漆皮鞋被磨损了。These patent leather shoes scuffed.

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由于过度磨损而不可用。Unserviceable due to excessive wear.

拖鞋不磨损地毯。It saves wear and tear on the carpet.

不磨损,拆折,破坏这些资源。Do not break, dismantle, or vandalize.