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制作一个钟盘。Make a plate clock.

全家庭制作的批萨。Totally home-made pizza.

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他的工作是制作钟面。His job is to make dials.

我会制作模型飞机。I can make a model plane.

制作管帽均采用板材。Making tube sheet by cap.

麦当劳制作了这些图McDonald's created these.

制作和使用抽认卡。Make And Use Flashcards 7.

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制作美味可口的烧饼。To make delicious pancakes.

如何制作生火腿呢?how to make raw prosciutto?

那么说它是用玉片制作的?It's made out of jade chips?

好的,欢迎到我们的制作室。Well, welcome to our studio.

我们需要制作道具,and we need to create props.

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吃用蓝色玉米制作的薄烙饼。Eat blue corn tortilla chips.

我学习制作卡片。I study by making flashcards.

为操作系统制作一个新卷。Make a new volume for the OS.

原奶可以制作成为奶酪。Milk can be made into cheese.

他们在制作航模。They are making model planes.

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贝壳串珠是用海贝壳制作的。Wampum was made of seashells.

他的父亲制作锅炉。His father was a boiler-maker.

这是一个标志制作业务。It was a sign-making business.