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怎么去获得赞扬?How to get that praise?

世尊啊!这是受智者所赞扬的。Praised by the wise, lord.

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他赞扬她很勇敢。He praised her for her courage.

我要赞扬你的敬业精神。I commend you for your concern.

赞成或赞扬的一种表示。There's ta k of a commendation.

他的优良品行受到人们的赞扬。His good behavior reaped praise.

并在未来的年代永受人赞扬。And to be praised of ages yet to be.

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并在未来的年代永受人赞扬。And to be praised of ages but apt be.

但多数人都赞扬赛拉斯。Most people, however , praised Silas.

我的行动敏捷,受到他的赞扬。My quick action earned me his praise.

不论怎样赞扬雷锋都不过分。You can't praise Lei Feng too highly.

他们真的在赞扬我还是只是在容忍我?Are they celebrating or tolerating me?

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但谢勒并没有因此得到任何赞扬。But Shaler did not receive any praise.

该筛赞扬你和你的手艺!The Sifter salutes you and your craft!

士兵因英勇而受到赞扬。The soldier is lauded for his bravery.

那孩子的优良品行受到了赞扬。The child's good behavior reaps praise.

他们对卓别林的表演大为赞扬。They raved about Chaplin's performance.

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一次尝试,你们必须要赞扬他。An attempt. You have to give him credit.

她在信中热情地赞扬了他。In her letter she praised him glowingly.

不要让这些赞扬冲昏你的头脑。Don't let all this praise turn your head.