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不要匆促对人做出判断。Don't judge others hastily.

不要匆促赶完你的工作。Don' t rush through your work.

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他们被匆促调赴前线。They were hurried to the front.

她匆促地讲着,自己觉得态度不大自然。She spoke hastily in an unnatural manner.

匆促的笔调,放纵的语气。The style was hurried, the tone intemperate.

匆促的断言,或自私者的嘲笑。Rash judgments, nor the sneers of selfish men.

标题为“匆促答辩状的摘要”。The heading is"Headline of Headlong Pleadings".

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匆促之间一大堆解决方案摆在面前。A vast array of solutions are being rushed forward.

神是从永恒的角度和意义察看我们的生命,所以他从不匆促。God views our lives from and for eternity, so he is never in a hurry.

不要在任何人的催促下匆促作出你以后会为之后悔的决定。Don't let anyone hurry you into making a decision you'll regret later.

不过上帝却害了羞,匆促地把他的记忆储藏在绿草上面。But God in shame hastens to hide its memory under the green grrear end.

但在这种情况下,根本不能匆促地采取自上而下的解决方法。But you simply can’t rush in with top-down solutions in such a situation.

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如果我讲的是我所不知道或匆促知道的,那我只是在兜售意见罢了。If I speak of what I do not know, or know hastily , this is mere opinion-mongering.

有计划的放松可以平静焦虑,并帮助你身心从每日的匆促和压力中恢复过来。Planned relaxation calms anxiety and helps your body and mind recover from everyday rush and stress.

第二天,这个团队重新召闭会议并匆促决议索尼公司将最终购置哥伦比亚。The next day, the group reconvened and promptly decided that Sony would purchase Columbia after all.

并非匆促而是妥善计划且小心执行而创造最佳成功的渐进主义。It is not haste but well-planned and carefully executed gradualism that creates the greatest success.

我们可以各自想像,但是我们务必不要匆促就联想到跟身体的语言有关。One may speculate, but one must refrain from resorting too precipitously to the language of the body.

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马英九昨日上午匆促召开记者会,表示他将以台湾总统身份会见陈云林。Mr Ma hastily called a press conference yesterday morning to say he would meet Mr Chen as Taiwan's president.

在产品生产之前,提早规划后续的发展工作,一边按表操课,避免事到临头再匆促追赶。Plan your development work far enough ahead of production so as to meet schedules without a wild last-minute rush.

在大家每日步履匆促的当代社会,心理良好健康与心理医治的难题没法被咱们省略。In people everyday the modern society with hasty walking, the problem of mental health and psychotherapy cannot by our oversight.