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电脑程序编制。Computer programming.

编制项目总结报告。Makes project summary reports.

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她将为计算机编制程序。She will program the computer.

怎么召开预算编制会议?How to organize Budget meeting?

他们用凋萎的枯叶编制它们的船只With withered leaves they weave

将稻草编制成傻瓜的金子Spinning Straw into Fool ’ s Gold

编制了生命表。The life tables were established.

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他们一个星期能编制十把藤椅。They can cane ten chairs in a week.

算了吧,我是不喜欢钩针编制物。OK. It is that I don't like crochet.

文档编制和会话式用法Documentation and conversational usage

该师早已有编制员额。The division had its complement of men.

他们将资料加以整理并编制成卡片。They sorted out the data and carded them.

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架构设计能够支持计划编制过程Architecting supports the planning process

第四,编制调整后试算表。Fourth, prepare an adjusted trial balance.

我离职是因为我公司缩小编制。I left my job because my company downsized.

也不全然意味着计划编制的缺失。It does not mean complete lack of planning.

求推荐一本网络编制程序书!Seek recommend a network programming Books!

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弱弹力,古法编制。Weak tension, ancient method establishment.

允许同时搜索和编制索引。Allows searching and indexing simultaneously.

竹器是指用竹子作材料编制的器具。Bamboo ware is the ware which made of bamboo.