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这是一个群龙无首的世界。It is a leaderless world.

群龙无首,宋军很快就被打垮了。Leaderless, the Song troops were soon utterly routed.

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这导致贾巴的犯罪组织群龙无首。This precipitated the decapitation of Jabba's criminal organization.

山口组开始出现了从未有过的“群龙无首”的困局。Yamaguchi group began to appear has never been "decapitated" the difficulty.

但是首席反黑手党检察官皮埃罗·格拉索仍然宣布黑手党已经“群龙无首”了。But the chief anti-Mafia prosecutor, Piero Grasso, still declared that the Mafia had been “decapitated”.

穆巴拉克的夙敌被群龙无首的成千上万年轻埃及人取代。Hosni Mubarak's traditional foes have been displaced by the leaderless tens of thousands of young Egyptians.

虽然一开始是由加拿大的反消费团体所发起,但是抗议活动群龙无首。Although it was originally created by the Canadian anti-consumerist group Adbusters, the protest is leaderless.

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CEO离职会让惠普在它很多关键业务受打击的时候遭遇群龙无首的局面。A departure would leave the company without a leader at a time when many of its key businesses are under assault.

佩雷恩接管了一支群龙无首的部队,试图在首脑死后控制混乱的局面。Pellaeon taking command of the leaderless task force, trying to rein in the chaos after the death of a mastermind.

团队合作固然重要,但团队成员却群龙无首,你得帮助他们聚焦,指引正确的方向。Team is required, but they'll get nowhere by themselves. Focus their attention and point them in the right direction.

团队合作固然重要,但团队成员却群龙无首,你得帮助他们聚焦,指引正确的方向。Team effort is required, but they'll get nowhere by themselves. Focus their attention and point them in the right direction.

杨珩也看过那份急报,心中很是为群龙无首的北关城担忧。Yang Heng once sees namely fast report for well, in the heart very is is a group without a leader of northern pass city suspicion.

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狗娃声称更好的活路还在后边,现在紫云县群龙无首,我要当县长,从此紫云县就是咱们的天下。Gowardesh claimed that better way behind, ziyun county leaderless now, I want to be a county magistrate, ziyun county is our world.

我们试想下,假如一个团队人人都是龙,但没有一个领袖是个什么情景,群龙无首啊,很可怕的。Below our just think, if everybody of a group is dragon, but neither one cacique is a what scene, a group without leader, very terrible.

今年早些时候当她去纽约史隆格德林癌症中心接受治疗的时候,政府部门群龙无首。Earlier this year when she went for treatment at Memorial Sloan–Kettering Cancer Centre in New York, the government was left rudderless.

阿根廷队原来在队首的带领下,踢的极为出色,但当马拉多纳被取消资格后,球队群龙无首,立刻解散了。Argentina was playing very well with the captain, but as soon as Maradona was disqualified, the team lost and was immediately eliminated.

一时间皇家御器厂群龙无首,而大批的御瓷任务亟待完成。For a short while royal drive implement the factory is a group without leader, and large quantities of drive porcelain task is finished urgently.

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群龙无首的燃烧军团在艾泽拉斯上被部落,人类和暗夜精灵的联军打的溃不成军。Without their commander the Burning Legion forces remaining on Azeroth crumbled under the combined might of the Horde human and night elf armies.

对卡扎菲部队的空中及海基打击已经进入到第五天,这只大规模的西方部队仍群龙无首。On the fifth straight day of foreign, air- and sea-based attacks against Qaddafi's forces, there is still no one leading the massive Western force.

在德国和奥地利,我目睹了四分五裂和群龙无首的羊群们东奔西走,渴望着牧羊人的再次出现并给予羊群们安全保障。I saw in Germany and in Austria scatteredand leaderless sheep running this way and that, longing for the lost securityof the flock and the shepherd.