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我需要帮助。I need help.

他帮助埃玛。He helps Emma.

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我需要帮助。I needed help.

快速弹回来会有帮助!Bouncing helps!

希望这有所帮助。I hope it helps.

我需要你的帮助。I need you help.

这会有很大帮助。This helps alot!

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那就先帮助别人。Help others first.

啧,我不需要帮助。I don't need help!

我们需要你的帮助。We need your help.

我可以向谁寻求帮助?Who can I turn to?

你抱病,我帮助?You sick, me help?

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我试着帮助他们。I try to help them.

桑德拉需要帮助。Sondra needed help.

我们赶紧去帮助他。We ran to help him.

他是我们的帮助者。He is our auxiliary.

我恳求你帮助。I entreat your help.

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我将帮助这只蚂蚁。I will help the ant.

她帮助彼得潘。She helps Peter Pan.

所以,我需要你们的帮助。So I need your help.