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护士正在给伤病员敷药。To place medicine on a wound.

伤病员很快被送往医院。The sick and wounded were soon taken to hospital.

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现在伤病员们在这里受到了很好照顾。The wounded are being taken good care of here now.

战争年代我们把伤病员藏在掩蔽部。We hid our patients in the shelter during the war.

护士们搀扶着伤病员走进医院。The nurses helped the wounded soldiers into the hospital.

护士正在给伤病员敷药。The nurse is applying the medicine to the injured soldier.

这位护士总是以蔼然可亲的态度对待伤病员。The nurse always treated the sick and wounded with kindness.

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由于伤病员的数目惊人,这些医院需要更多的医生。Because of the huge number of patients, these hospitals need more doctors.

不得袭击伤病员,不得将救护车和医院用于其他目的。Patients must not be attacked, and ambulances and hospitals must not be misused.

“从来没有人想到过他们会把这个大家伙像一个伤病员一样抬出去,”他说。"Nobody ever thought they'd be carrying the big guy out like a wounded soldier, " he said.

工程人员和医护人员组成的多国小组挖井、建水箱并医治伤病员。Multinational teams of engineers and doctors also dug wells, constructed water tanks and treated patients.

有21位伤病员住在这座医疗站里,还有1位最近被俘的柬埔寨人,他看起来很年轻。This medical ward has twenty-one sick and injured GIs, and one recently captured, young-looking Cambodian.

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在这次巡诊中,她给这个孩子和另外十几个伤病员输了液,处理了外伤。On this visit, she performed transfusions to the child and a dozen more injured and diseased people and treated their wounds.

目前确定从绵阳市转移地震伤病员的,有重庆、西安、昆明、南充等城市。At present, it is confirmed that Chongqing, Xi'an, Kunming, Nanchong and other cities would receive the wounded from Mianyang.

方法总结资料完整且经全程治疗的135例烧烫伤病员的治疗方法及效果。Methods Sum up the treating methods and effects of 135 burned patients with full course of treatment, whose data are complete.

当人们只习惯于听说狗儿们能够学着帮助盲人或是寻找伤病员的故事,奥斯卡的事迹就显得更加的扑朔迷离了。While we're used to hearing about dogs learning to help the blind or search out injured people, Oscar's case is more puzzling.

但经过十年的战争以后,由短期的急性疼痛发展到长期的慢性疼痛的伤病员的人数已经大大增加了。But after a decade of war, the number of acute injuries that have progressed to the level of chronic pain has grown significantly.

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因此,地方医院应急、应战的动员应变力,对于加强军民伤病员的及时抢救治疗具有重要意义。Mobilization ability to meet an emergency or to accept battle is of great Importance to give treatment to the sick and wounded in time.

目的为了进一步研究群体烧伤病员的空中远距离转送及医疗救援的方法。Objective To investigate the features of long distance air transportation and medical treatment after admission of group burn patients.

通过这些措施的实施,取得了明显的效果,使军人伤病员管理工作走上了一个良性循环的轨道。Via some measures actualized , the obvious effects are obtained, keeping the management military patients walking up one benign rotatory orbit.