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对他的新书的评论毁誉参半。His new book got mixed reviews.

胡佛留下的遗风毁誉参半。Hoover leaves a bipolar legacy.

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它的名声也是毁誉参半。It also has somewhat of a mixed reputation.

但直到最近,效果还是毁誉参半。Until recently, the results have been mixed.

埃及的现代旅游业可谓毁誉参半。Modern tourism in Egypt is both a boon and a bane.

从此,希腊学生对这两位毁誉参半。Students of Greek have been praising andcursing these two ever since.

但是美国兰德公司最近进行的研究提出了毁誉参半的评价。But a new study by the RAND Corporation suggests a more mixed picture.

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在朝鲜问题上,近来美国政府高管对中国的评价是毁誉参半。Top administration officials have recently both praised and chided the Chinese over the North.

而像植入药物泵和刺激器这类更新的手术方式,其疗效也是毁誉参半。Newerprocedures, like implants of medication pumps and stimulators, havereceived mixed reviews, too.

虽然威瑟乐队是一支深受欢迎的乐队,它的歌曲却毁誉参半。As one of the most popular groups, Weezer received equal amounts of criticism and praise for their songs.

唐玄宗李隆基是唐代一位重要而又特殊的皇帝,毁誉参半,集荣辱于一身。Emperor Li Longji is an important and unique emperor, his reputation mixed with great honor and disgrace in one.

对清中期学术,章太炎毁誉参半,反映了他实事求是的治学精神。In dealing with the scholarship of the mid-Qing period, Zhang Taiyan's comments reflected his spirit of seeking truth from facts.

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他指出,印度其他地方对于卡纳塔克邦的成功实验,反应毁誉参半,也许是因为会计人员不会上第二次的当。The Karnataka experiment, he points out, has had mixed results elsewhere in India, perhaps because accountants will not be fooled twice.

尽管人们对这种做法毁誉参半,但我却真地很喜欢,并成功地向大家承认,小时候我比较胖,常常被人取笑。Though the exercise got mixed reviews, I actually enjoyed it, and managed to confess that, as a child, I was overweight and often ridiculed.

20世纪的西方音乐史著作中,对德国晚期浪漫主义作曲家R·施特劳斯的音乐作品评价多半不高,常常毁誉参半,甚至贬多于褒。In western music history books of the 20th century, German romanticism composer R · Strauss' didn't get high evaluation and usually had mixed reception.

城市在人类历史的发展上,向来毁誉参半。In human history, cities have drawn criticism as often as praise. Through the development of cities, mankind has freed itself from the restrictions of nature.

该发言人还表示,目前乘客们对这个新系统的反应毁誉参半,而负面反应则大多是由于乘客们对这种新流程的怀疑造成的。The spokesperson says the passenger reaction to date has been mixed, with the spokesperson attributing any negative reaction to skepticism about a new procedure.

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这种在明清之际过于前卫的想法,屡被认为“怪诞不经”,因而官府屡禁其书,后世虽对其评价两极、毁誉参半。This is too avantgarde in the Ming and Qing Dynasties the idea been repeatedly that "weird without" official and therefore repeated his ban odd, although its evaluation later bipolar, mixed.

世人对康有为的评价可谓“毁誉参半”、“难得统一”,但不论是谁提到了他,孔教是必定要说起的一项内容。The points of common people to Kang Youwei include both the praise and the blame, but everybody thinks that Confucianism is a very important part in his life and very much to Kang Youwei's valuation.