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下个月就是桐子开花的季节了。The paulownia will blossom next month.

我们把桐子榨油来点灯。We used oil squeezed from seeds of tung trees to light our lamps.

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由此认为航天搭载诱变对小桐子种子活力有抑制作用。So the seeds vigor, growing development and photosynthetic characteristics were analyzed.

本文介绍了桐子林斜拉桥动力特性现场实测情况。In this paper, the conditions about the measured dynamic property of the Tongzhiline cable-stayed bridge in test site are introduced.

小桐子是一种多用途植物,可供药用、工业用油、生物病虫害防治和饲料开发等。Jatrohpa curcas L. , a multipurpose plant, can be used for medicine, industrial oil, disease and insect pest control and feed exploitation.

综述了近年来小桐子在杀虫、抗菌以及杀软体动物等农药活性方面的研究进展。The recent research of the active substances of Jatropha curcas on insecticidal, fungicidal and molluscicidal activities has been reviewed.

本发明公开了一种以小桐子油为原料连续化生产生物柴油的方法及其装置。The invention discloses a method for continuously producing biological diesel oil by taking tung oil as a raw material and a device thereof.

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该方法适用于小桐子油或其与石化柴油的混配燃油的生产、运输和储藏过程。The method is applicable to the production, transportation and storage of Jatropha curcas oil or the mixed fuel oil of Jatropha curcas oil and petroleum diesel.

中海油已在儋州建起了小桐子树苗圃基地,还和海南众多小桐子种植企业签订收购协议,发展原料基地建设。CNOOC has built in Danzhou Jatropha tree nursery base, but also a number of jatropha cultivation and Hainan companies signed a purchase agreement, the development of raw material bases.

本发明公开了一种小桐子籽油生产生物柴油副产物甘油的回收、精制方法,最终达到药用级的标准。The invention discloses a recovery and refining method for a diesel byproduct, glycerin produced by barbadosnut seed oil, wherein the glycerin can finally reach the medical-grade standard.