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成果在全行首屈一指。In the forefront of all results.

在全行建立专职产品经理团队,促进业务专业化发展。Established professional product manager team, prompt business towards professionalism.

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在夜间我已将一天的疲乏全行埋葬了,在早晨我已得着了新的精力。In the night I have buried yesterday's fatigue, and in the morning take a new lease of energy.

培育全行声誉风险管理文化,树立员工声誉风险意识。To nurture reputational risk management culture of the entire bank and foster employees' awareness of reputational risks.

全行会计人员业务素质、操作规范化水平普遍提高。The professional quality and the level of operational standardization of bank-wide accounting personnel were generally raised.

我提出过新的想法,完成了每个项目,实施了彻底的全行性技术更新,同时还降低了成本。I have brought forth new ideas, delivered on every project, implemented a complete bank-wide technology refresh, all the while reducing costs.

在最近一次TNS公司对建设银行呼叫中心客户满意度调查活动中,成都中心人工服务的客户满意度名列全行第一。The acceptance level of customer and our staff has been rising. They are the most satisfying call center in CCB during a recent investigation by TNS.

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届时新外汇资金业务清算系统将成为全行统一的外汇资金业务清算系统,发挥不可替代的作用。By then, the FX capital market clearing system will be the uniform clearing system for FX capital market in whole bank and play a most important role.

赵丽兰表示,郑全行以本身的宗教价值观来反对遗腹子的言论,已严重侮辱及伤害她的家人。Zhao Lilan indicated that Zheng Quanxing by the religious values opposed posthumous child's opinion, insulted and injures her seriously the family member.

在此,我代表全行干部员工向支持XXX银行发展的社会各界人士表示最诚挚的谢意!Here, on behalf of all the employees of the whole Bank, I wish to express our sincerest thanks to all those who have given their support to the development of XXX Bank!

建设银行上海分行95533通过全行协调、畅通、快速、高效的大服务运行机制,使客户享受到全程化、高效率服务,并且把“软服务”细化、量化、标准化,以运营数据分析为依托,完善绩效管理。The 95533 service center of CCB Shanghai Branch provides customers with plenary process and high efficiency in services through its harmonious, expedite, swift and efficient service framework.

逐步建成全行的“业务咨询中心”、“信息交流中心”、“交易与营销中心”及“客户关系管理中心”。Gradually, the center has become to be "business inquiry center", "information communication center", " dealing and marketing center" and "customer relationship management center" of the whole bank.