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他喜欢看牌时议论一下,出出主意。He liked to kibitz a card game.

谁能帮我出出主意该怎么才好呢?Anybody got any idea what to do?

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印度经济时报倒想出出主意!The Economic Times has some ideas.

只是出出腿罢了。Just check out the legs, 'nuff said.

好多人在打赌,人们从这间屋子出出进进。There was much betting and people went in and out of the room.

家人和朋友们络绎不绝地进进出出,表达他们的慰问。Family and friends streamed in and out to offer their sympathy.

什么是出出气,它是怎么用蜡画蜡画?What is out gassing and how is it used in encaustic wax painting?

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不过,在广州火车站,却因为这风这雪,上演了一出出悲剧。But because of the bad weather, tragedies happened in GZ Train Starion.

我希望你能安静一会儿,别出出进进的。I hope that you could keep still for a while and stop going in and out.

我头脑空空如也,进进出出的都是那些映像的片断。My mind remains idle, with only fragments of images drifting in and out.

司机在汽车里出出进进,眼睛瞟着路面。The driver kept getting in and out of his vehicle, peering down the road.

他嚷道,还是急躁得很,一时很想找什么人出出气。He exclaimed, still excited, willing to be angry at anyone for the moment.

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猫从橱柜和抽屉里进进出出,有的还钻在墙的夹缝里。Cats were coming out of the cabinets and drawers and were inside the walls.

向其他人一样,愤怒的王找一个人出出气。As many people do when they are angry, the king wanted to blame someone else.

我想写一封信出出气,但我坐下来写时又失去了勇气。I want to write an angry letter but I lost my nerve when I sat down to do it.

你就不能走出出顺便带走你那污染空气的智商?Can't you just walk through the door and take away you atmosphere-pollution IQ?

但你会象我一样亲亲热热地爱她,还要给我出出主意怎么对付她。But thou wilt love her dearly, as I do, and wilt advise me how to deal with her.

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但你会象我一样亲亲热热地爱她,还要给我出出主意怎么对付她。But thou wilt love her dearly , as I do, and wilt advise me how to deal with her.

秋,童话般的季节。在这个季节里,到处都上演着一出出美丽的童话。Autumn season, fairy tale. In this season, and everywhere on a beautiful fairy tale.

我原想给他写一封信出出气,但真的坐下来执笔时,却又没有勇气写了。I wanted to write an angry letter to him but I lost my nerve when I sat down to do it.