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我还没有准备好把钱入股以上任何一家公司。I'm not ready to plunk my money into any of these.

三菱汽车直接入股东南汽车,给后者注入更多的活力。Mltsubishi has become a shareholder of Southeast Auto directly.

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上海汽车在2001年投资入股柳州五菱,通用汽车紧跟着在2002年也出资入股。SAIC invested in Wuling in 2001, and GM did so the following year.

我们想入股银行,但是并不想将银行国有化。We want to put equity in, but we don’t want to nationalize the banks.

然后,决定是否要入股,And then use that to sort of decide if I want to go back to private equity

此外,他也未透露交行打算入股的券商名称。Mr. Jiang also didn't identify the local brokerage the bank plans to invest in.

对于创业公司来说,两者皆宜,只要他们能轻易改变入股价格即可。Either would be fine with startups, so long as they can easily change their valuation.

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流转的方式主要是转让、出租、抵押、入股和置换,当然还可以进行赠与。The form of circulation are transfer, hypothecation, change, contribution and donation.

如果阅读令你犯困,就用这种方法但入股它令你清醒,请避免使用!If reading sends you to sleep, by all means use it but if it's revving you up, avoid it!

蓝菲儿巧舌如簧,希望戴骨顺以个人名义入股新公司。Blue and eloquent, want to wear bone suitable to personally take a stake in the new company.

姚先生告诉大家自己要开一家饭庄,请大家来看看有没有人愿意入股。Mr Yao told people to open a restaurant, please come to see if anyone is willing to become a shareholder.

知情人士称,Cerberus有意入股合并后的通用-克莱斯勒。Cerberus is looking to have a stake in a combined GM-Chrysler, according to people familiar with the situation.

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新航和淡马锡一直拒绝提高出价,但他们表示,目前并未放弃入股东航。Singapore Airlines and Temasek have resisted raising their offer, but indicated they haven't given up just yet.

入股AIG旗下拥有大量亚洲业务的两个部门,标志着美联储朝非传统方向更进一步.The stake in the two AIG units, both of which have large Asian operations, is a further step in that direction.

我看到北京市政府现在开始参资入股菜市场,我不知道商务部对这种情况是怎么评价的?Now, the municipal government of Beijing begins to hold some share of vegetable markets, what do you see from this?

对于企业而言,注册资本需要确定,所以专利申请权入股则不应允许。Therefore, the droit of patent application is not allowed to be used to buy a share or invest since its instability.

去年11月,高盛同意入股这家在上海证交所上市的玻璃制造商,当时该公司的股价约为8元人民币。Goldman agreed to buy into the Shanghai-listed glass company last November when it was trading at about Rmb8 per share.

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提问是,如果一群耶鲁校友创立一个对冲基金,他们如何才能说服我入股投资呢The question is, if a group of Yalies started a hedge fund, what would they have to do to convince me to invest in them?

韩国企业入股永信稀土的目的即是通过这家公司,从中国获得稀土资源。It is believed Korean companies aim to obtain rare-earth resources from China by equity participation in Chinese companies.

针对产权问题提出了工龄赎买、职工入股、完善投资主体结构等对策。In view of above-mentioned reason, this paper suggests some approaches and measures to perfect the system of property right.