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1910年,他离开了人世。He died in 1910.

人世沧桑就是如此。So the world wags.

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是的,人世变迁。Yes, the vicissitudes.

房婴儿从不会孤单来到人世。A baby never comes alone.

他知道自己将不久于人世。And he knew that he was dying.

如今我就要离开人世了,吗?。But when Idie , I'll be alone.

人世如白驹过隙。The world is like a fleeting show.

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他生前做的好事将永留人世。The good he did will live after him.

他们的功绩将永留人世。Their good deeds will live after them.

“而且他还尚在人世。”阿纳金说。"And he is still alive, " Anakin said.

本周一山口疆辞别了人世,享年93岁。Yamaguchi died Monday at the age of 93.

将军的伟绩将永留人世。The general's feats will live after him.

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现实,撼钝人世错觉。Realism, shakes blunt the human's feeling.

他生前做的好事将永留人世。The good which he did will live after him.

只要你生于人世,你便已足够优秀。If you were born, then you are good enough.

他们的两个女儿也都在80多岁离开人世。Their two daughters both died in their 80s.

1899年3月6日23岁的公主Ka’iulani离开了人世。She died on March 6, 1899, at the age of 23.

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但我们处身之地,却是未臻圆满的人世。But this is earth, a fallen, imperfect place.

敬辞你想订单人世还是双人世?Would you like a single room or a double room?

我曾和老亨利一起钓鱼,他现在已不在人世了。I have been fishing with old Henry, now with God.