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即使我离开,这世界繁华依旧。I'm useless for this world.

繁华过后,只剩残花。After the busy, with only the flowers.

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大都市,繁华街,嘈杂的交通。Big city. Busy streets. Rumbling traffic.

它是一个拥有大量人口的繁华都市。It's a busy city with a large population.

春,绝对是一幅饱蘸着生命繁华的画卷。Spring is definitely a busy life picture.

位于悉尼岩石区繁华地带。Located in the heart of Sydney Rocks area.

倾城的日光、抵不过繁华一场。The daylight, but arrived in flourishing a.

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这样就使铜镜更加繁华。This made the bronze mirrors more thriving.

以前,庞培是一个拥有两万两千人口的繁华城市。Once, Pompeii was a busy city of 22000 people.

一世繁华万世功,没有积累哪有成。I busy does not work, which has no accumulation.

东京是世界上最繁华的城市之一。Tokyo is one of the busiest cities in the world.

是繁华都市中休闲与商业的绿洲。An oasis of rest and business in a bustling city.

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香港是世界上最繁华的城市之一。Hong Kong is one of the busiest cities in the world.

王府井是北京最繁华的街道之一。Wangfujing is one of the busiest streets in Beijing.

坐落于沈阳最繁华的太原街商业区南端。No. 138 Minzu South Street, Heping District, Shenyang.

置生活于繁华之上,让荣耀成为一种守望。On the bustling life in the home, as a glory to watch.

奈何桥上的花,见证谁和谁的两世繁华。What flowers, witness who and who the two flourishing.

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繁华沉淀了旧迹,错过的应该就是要忘记。Busy settling the old track, is to forget to be missed.

在这个不算是繁华的城市,总有人迷失了自己将行走的路。I spreak , that we are all lost any things in this way.

等到繁华落尽,苍生白头,终将是那场迟来的邂逅。When the busy fall, people will be bald, the late love.