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着陆山坡是为跳台滑雪页准备的。A landing slops is for ski jumping or ski soaring.

团体比赛中增加了跳台滑雪和雪橇比赛。Team events were added in Nordic combined and ski jumping.

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滑雪三项全能包括越野滑雪赛、跳台滑雪和速度滑雪和跳跃滑雪混合项目。Nordic skiing includes cross country racing, ski jumping and the Nordic Combines.

西蒙阿曼赢得了跳台滑雪世界杯赛在霍尔门科伦峰,奥斯陆3月14日的事件。Simon Ammann wins the ski jumping World Cup event in Holmenkollen, Oslo March 14.

你在没有学会滑雪之前别去试滑跳台滑雪-那是不符合逻辑的。You can't try ski-jumping before you learn to ski-that's standing logic on its head.

跳台滑雪运动是一个比较典型的、在较大范围内动作复杂的运动项目。The ski jumping is a typical sports event with some complicated actions in large-scale movement.

在波兰扎科帕内举行的跳台滑雪世界杯赛上,奥地利人格雷戈尔腾空的瞬间。Gregor Schlierenzauer of Austria soars through the air during the ski jumping World Cup competition in Zakopane, Poland.

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2月13日,2011跳台滑雪世界杯挪威站,一位运动员欲与月亮“试比高”。Austria's Martin Koch competes during the FIS World Cup Ski Flying competition in Vikersund, eastern Norway, on February 13, 2011.

观众观看了男子跳台滑雪从不列颠哥伦比亚省惠斯勒,星期一,2010年2月22日,加拿大大山团体赛。Spectators watch the Men's ski jumping team event from the large hill in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada on Monday, Feb. 22, 2010.

最初的比赛项目包括高山滑雪、越野滑雪、冰上曲棍球、北欧混合项目、跳台滑雪、速度滑冰和花样滑冰。The original events were alpine and cross-country skiing, ice hockey, Nordic compined, ski jumping, speed skating and figure skating.

现代冬奥会项目包括雪车、冰壶、冰球、雪橇、滑冰、滑雪、跳台滑雪和单板滑雪等。Sports included in the Winter Olympics nowadays include bobsled, curling, ice hockey, luge , skating, skiing, ski jumping, and snowboarding.

日本运动员包揽了70米跳台滑雪比赛的所有奖牌,令国人一饱眼福。Japanese athletes took the chance to perform in front of their home crowd, dazzling spectators with a clean sweep of the 70m ski-jumping event.

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芬兰的哈里霍奥利剧增通过空气在大山跳台滑雪电世界杯赛事利贝雷茨,捷克共和国2008年2月9号。Finland's Harri Olli soars through the air during the large hill ski jumping FIS World Cup event in Liberec, Czech Republic on February 9, 2008.

我参加了这个无所不包的项目,滑行于阿尔卑斯,穿越国界,跳台滑雪,那时我就有点爱上了那种纵身一跃的感觉。Being a part of a program that did everything from Alpine skiing to cross country, jumping, and just kind of fell in love with the jumping part of it.

日本运动员在父老乡亲面前不负众望,在70米跳台滑雪中囊括所有奖牌,令国人一饱眼福。Japanese athletes took the chance to perform in front of their home crowds, and dazzled with a complete medal sweep of the 70-meter ski-jumping event.

在奥运会跳台滑雪赛中,每位选手在普通跳台和大跳台上有两次正式试跳机会,得分是根据跳跃的距离和空中的姿势决定的。In Olympic ski jumping events, each competition takes two official jumps on the normal and large hill. Scores for each jump are evaluated on the distance and style.

芬兰的阿霍宁在空中腾飞,在为四山跳台滑雪赛在奥伯斯多夫,德国12月28日第一场赛事的资格。Finland's Janne Ahonen soars through the air during the qualification for the first event of the four-hills ski jumping tournament in Oberstdorf, Germany December 28.

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类似的是,30年前,跳台滑雪运动员们没有人会将滑雪板向上扬30度角,然而如今使滑板作机翼状已经成为了标准,因为这样能显著提高滑行距离。Similarly, no ski jumper would have spread his skis at an angle 30 years ago, yet today forming one’s skis into a wing is standard and has greatly increased distances.

一位体能教练要为6组运动员推荐提高伸膝力量的练习,这6组运动员分别是高级、中级、初级排球运动员和高级、中级、初级跳台滑雪运动员。A conditioning coach recommended exercises for the enhancement of leg extensor strength for six groups of athletes- elite, intermediate and beginning volleyball players and ski jumpers.

冬季运动会比赛的规定项目有高山滑雪、跳台滑雪、越野滑雪、北欧两项、冰球、短道速滑、速度滑冰、花样滑冰和冬季两项。The Winter Universiade consists of compulsory sports Alpine skiing, nordic skiing composed of jump, cross country & com-bined, ice hockey, short track, speed skating, figure skating, biathlon.