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而且不论是英语还是汉语都人量使用双关这一修辞手法。It is commonly employed in both English and Chinese rhetoric.

教皇只是另一枚卒子,他语带双关。The Pope is just another pawn, he speaks with a forked tongue.

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修辞有夸张、比喻、对偶、双关等方法。Have exaggerated rhetoric, metaphor, dual, pun and other methods.

你是指大提琴?不,那是一个明显下流的双关。You mean my cello?No, I mean the obvious, crude, double entendre.

汉语双关名称来源不详,但其使用源远流长。Punning in Chinese has a long history, though it is of uncertain origin.

朱利安·墨菲将避孕与厨具的概念结合在一起,其作品展现了一物双关的效果。Julian Murphy combines contraception and kitchenware for the sake of a pun.

语义层的前景化主要集中在新闻标题中暗喻、提喻、转喻及双关等的使用。Foregrounding at the semantic level principally turns up in the news headlines.

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它可分为一词多义双关、同音异义双关、仿拟双关、语法双关等。It can be divided into polysemy pun, homonym parody pun, pun, grammar pun, etc.

双关的大量运用使广告语言新奇、幽默、简洁并且更具鼓动性。Pun makes advertising language novel, humorous, succinct, and hence persuasive.

这是一个视觉上的双关,利用典故和错觉,美的慑人心魄。This is a hauntingly beautiful rendition of a visual pun — allusion meets illusion.

双关修辞格是一种依靠语音的相似和意义的分歧形成的修辞格。Punning is a rhetoric device composed by the similarity in pronunciation and divergence in meaning.

谐音双关歇后语是歇后语的一种,且在其中占相当大的比例。The paronomasia allegorical saying is a kind of allegorical saying that has a great proportion in it.

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如果说表情符号鼓励的是视觉上的双关俏皮和异想天开的并置,那么GIF激发的是锐利的策划能力。If emoji encourage visual puns and whimsical juxtapositions, GIFs inspire a sharp curatorial sensibility.

他具有非常轻松愉快的特征,在讲话中不断地插入双关俏皮话、警句和俄罗斯文学中的典故。He had a wonderful light touch, peppering his talk with puns, epigrams, and allusions to Russian literature.

他具有非常轻松愉快的特征,在讲话中不断地插入双关俏皮话、警句和俄罗斯文学中的典故。He had a wonderful light touch, peppering his talk with puns, epigrams, and allusions to russian literature.

这种手法叫做双关句,也就是,“太初“可同时修饰两个动词。This is a strategy called double syntax, the notion that "in the Beginning" can modify one verb or the other.

同时,亦需有能力确建并保持,与本身各双关功能高管的沟通系统,共同增值。The consultant should also be able to build a communication network among the concerned departments within the company.

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不能自制作为一个答案有双关意义的难题失去了它的影响力,变成仅仅是要用文明来超越本性的指示。Incontinence loses its force as a conundrum and becomes merely an indicator of the need to transcend nature with culture.

最后的记者招待会上,俩人语带双关,以示告别,那些偷拍的照片成了最好的纪念礼物。Finally at the News fair, they implicitly said goodbye to each other and left those photos taken secretly as best souvenir.

双关辞格的第一个本质上的特点,在于双关辞格的话语意义的重心落在歧义上。The first essential characteristic of the rhetorical device-pun, is that the main part of its meaning lies in equivocality.