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它一概值得一看。Ithas worth seeing.

一概不要耗费食物。Never was well aste food.

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一概不要耗费钱。Never was well aste money.

与此相反之事我一概不知。I know nothing to the contrary.

与此相反之事我一概不知。Eg. I know nothing to the contrary.

“人们喜欢这一概念”,博丹说。"People love the concept," Bodin says.

他创造了共价键这一概念。And he coined the term covalent bonding.

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斯金纳对这一概念进行了扩展。And Skinner extended this more generally.

这一概念称作不可抵赖性。This concept is known as non-repudiation.

硬而浓厚的双层毛是一概必需的。A harsh double coat is absolutely necessary.

别人封她说的任何事她一概相信。She swallows everything that is said to her.

下面的场景说明了这一概念。The scenario below illustrates this concept.

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这一周,这一概念有了真实的意义。This week the concept takes on real meaning.

他获得了“原子可以再分”这一概念的专利权。He patented the idea that the atom could be split.

第四、连续系统中空间相这一概念的引入。At last, we introduce a new concept, spatial phase.

他专打高尔夫球,其他的运动一概不参加。He plays golf to the exclusion of all other sports.

皮亚杰认为,婴儿并没有这一概念Piaget's very interesting claim is that kids don't.

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然而刘易斯说,这一概念被滥用了。However, says Lewis, language is being misused here.

独立忖量对学习是一概必需的。Independent thinking is an tot's necessity in study.

独立忖量对进修是一概必需的。Independent thinking is a precise necessity in study.