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你也可以为对自己做此修习。You can do it for yourself also.

其修习顺序极为不同。The order here is very different.

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我们需要修习中道。We need to practice the middle way.

您总是修习您所教的。You always practiced what you preached.

能依此轨来修习是非常好的。It would be a wonderful practice to adopt.

我们这些在山林修习禅定者,不占卜运气好坏。We forest meditators are not seers of good and bad luck.

哈达瑜伽修习者认为身体是心灵的承载工具。Hatha Yogis consider the body as the vehicle for the soul.

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我修习武术及体操已经有27年之久。I've been trying for 27 years in martial arts and gymnastics.

现在就请你们定下心来听,并且去实际修习。Please set up the mind to listen, and bring it into practice.

达到大师等级,你需要至少有五个技巧修习到等级5。To achieve Master , you must have rank 5 in at least 5 knacks.

直到这个大怪物终于愿意修习五学处了。Eventually the monster agreed to follow the Five Training Steps.

那些被挑剩下的学生才会去修习包括法律和教育在内的人文专业。The humanities, including law and education, are left with the dross.

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从小学到初中,所修习的无非是一些普通的基础知识。What we've learned from primary to middle school is just common ABCs.

如果我们有正确的瞭解,修习佛法就不会困难。If we have right understanding, Dhamma practice will not be difficult.

于是医生给蛇传授了修习五学处的方法,教他改恶从善。So he taught him the Five Training Steps to avoid unwholesome actions.

修习者需导引内力,亦即对决心毫不动摇的承诺。The aspirant must channel the fire, an unwavering commitment of intent.

正因为如此,哈他瑜伽说首先要修习的是清洁术。Therefore, hatha yoga says that the shatkarmas must be practiced first.

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本系研究生修习所有科目须事先与指导教授讨论。Students in Ph. D. program need to discuss the course plan with advisors.

蒂帕嬷坚决地说,如果你想平静你就得经常地修习。Dipa Ma stated firmly that if you want peace, you must practice regularly.

谓应由于三种根本,九种因相,三种决断门中修习。Cultivate this by way of the three roots, nine reasons, and three decisions.