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暮春四月,木棉发芽,北返的赤腹鹰偶尔落脚稍作休息。Horsefield's sparrow hawk on its way back north in April pauses for a rest.

龙卷风在闷热潮湿的雷暴天气发作,通常在暮春和夏天。Tornadoes start in muggy thunderstorm weather, usually in late spring and summer.

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暮春的油菜花一片放肆,粉蝶轰轰其上。In late spring, the flowers of rape are blossoming wildly, alluring swarms of butterflies.

我积三十六年之经验,深知暮春以前的春天,生活上是很不愉快的。With my experience of thirty-six years, I feel deeply that life before late spring is rather unpleasant.

见面的机会真是难得,分别时更是难舍难分,况且又兼东风将收的暮春天气,百花残谢,更加使人伤感。Li Shangyin meets when difficult don't also difficult, the east wind incapable hundred flowers are remnant.

愚人节的黑色幽默一直萦绕着我。每年暮春,我都还会想起愚人节的那场雨。What black humor that April Fool's Day held for me. The coming of every spring reminds me of that rainy day.

也有人指出,其实早在周朝就已经有暮春禁火的记载了,恐怕把寒食与介子推之死联系在一起的说法经不起推敲。Therefore , it sounds dubious when people connect the death of Jie Zitui with the practice of eating cold food.

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当然,为了观赏到这些神奇植物,游客必须于相当短暂的暮春到秋天期间。Of course, to see these botanical wonders, one must visit the Alps during its relatively brief spring through fall.

在这样一个暮春的夜晚,我们沿着洲际朝着回家的方向行进,自从海力斯到达城镇时起它的生命有了那么令人吃惊的变化。Driving home along the interstate one evening in late spring, I marveled at how different life seemed since Helis came to town.

清明节是农历二十四节气之一,在仲春与暮春之交,也就是冬至后的106天。Ching Ming Festival is one of the lunar calendar, turn in mid-spring and late spring, that is, 106 days after the winter solstice.

清明节是在仲春和暮春之,也就是冬至后的10天。扫墓动通常是在清明节的前十天或后十天。Chinese being practical people this sweeping of the graves is given an extended period, that is, 10 days before and after Qing Ming day.

约塞米蒂山谷一年四季都对外开放,但约塞米蒂国家公园其它地区的大部分地方由于深秋积雪而关闭,并于次年暮春重新开放。Yosemite Valley is open year-round, but much of the remaining park is closed because of snow in late autumn and re-opens in mid to late spring.

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当然,为了观赏到这些神奇植物,游客必须于相当短暂的暮春到秋天期间,也就是6~9月间大部分花朵盛开的时候来阿尔卑斯山。Of course, to see these botanical wonders, one must visit the Alps during its relatively brief spring through fall, that is, between June and September for most blossoms.

暮春四月,布莱斯峡谷的山脉依然有着如冠覆顶的积雪。历经百万年之久的漫长、巨大的地壳变动而产生的持续、缓慢的向上拥积,才形成了如今的峡谷地貌。In mid-April, snow still caps the mountains surrounding Bryce Canyon. Over millions of years, the canyon floor has been slowly pushed upward by great forces below the earth.