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王中之王是值得建佛塔的。A king of kings is worthy of a pagoda.

三人站在佛塔前的合照。Three of us stood in front of the stupa.

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佛寺中的佛塔最初用来存放佛教圣物。Buddhist stupas are monuments holding holy relics.

那一世,转山转水转佛塔,不为修来世,只为在途中与你相见。Not to seek rebirth, but to meet you along the way.

只有北方佛塔和寺庙是保存完好。Only the north pagoda and temple is well preserved.

那一世,转山转水转佛塔。That lifetime, rotating mountains, waters and stupas.

莽瑞体在孟人的主要佛塔上加建了新的塔顶。Tabinshwehti placed new spires on the chief Mon pagodas.

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一只四处漂泊的老鼠在佛塔顶上安了家。Wandering around a mouse in the pagoda on top of an home.

庄严的佛塔,固守着这片苍凉的高原。A solemn pagoda is keeping guard for the desolate plateau.

那一世,转山转水转佛塔。A lifetime gone, wandering through mountains, waters and stupas.

最初的八座佛塔中安放的就是释迦牟尼的佛骨舍利。The first eight stupas were created to hold the Buddha's remains.

鹿野苑僧院遗址,远处是达美克佛塔。Ancient Buddhist monasteries near Dhamekh Stupa Monument Site, Sarnath.

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巴哈马官员正准备对约翰·卓佛塔的儿子进行尸检。Bahamian officials are preparing for an autopsy on John Travolta's son.

以三年来,舍利塔是可与第五大的佛塔。Taking three years, the stupa is comparable with the Great Fifth's stupa.

寺内有佛塔,是眺望南京全景的最佳观景点。Inside there is a pagoda from which there is a panoramic view of the city.

数以千计的佛塔和孔庙散布在风景区。Thousands of Buddhist pagodas and Confucian temples spotted the landscape.

在满月的时候,佛塔里点上蜡烛,与月光同辉。They come into their own when candles are placed inside during a full moon.

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一个佛的形象,站在门口的佛塔被崇拜的。An image of the Buddha stands in the entrance to the stupa being worshipped.

但法国区食品店的木佛塔仍然是最经典的一种。But the French Quarter grocery store muffuletta remains the definitive version.

否则,佛陀要么将佛塔降下来,要么将你升上来。Otherwise, the Buddha will have to bring it down to you, or bring you up to it.