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为了正义事业赴汤蹈火在所不辞。I wouldn't hesitate to go through fire and water for the just cause.

他们做事会采取主动,即使这样做要冒风险,也在所不辞。They are prepared to take the initiative , even when there is a risk in doing so.

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我亲爱的孩子,为了你妈妈哪怕付出生命的代价都在所不辞,绝不会让你受到伤害。My darling child Mummy would give her life for yours, lest some harm should come to you.

为了完成领导交给的任务,上刀山,下火海,也在所不辞。To finish the task ordered by the leader, I will not hesitate to undergo manifold ordeals.

在任何危险情况下,机器人必须为他的人类兄弟赴汤蹈火,在所不辞。A robot must risk his neck for his brother man, and may not cop out when there's danger all about.

不管中草药有多苦、多难吃,哪怕有些副作用或后遗症,为了解除痛的目的,也在所不辞。Then I made experiment on myself heaps of times, ignoring the side effect or sequelaes or how bitter the herb tasted.

不分彼此形成一个团结的整体,随着海的号令执着而又坚定不移地冲向同一个目标,即使粉身碎骨也在所不辞。Very intimate form a united whole, as the sea rushed orders unwavering dedication but the same goal, even if the pieces are without any hesitation.

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他说,世行的战略承诺要更深入地参与加强治理和反腐败,即使在最具挑战性的环境中也在所不辞。He said the Bank’s strategy committed it to deeper engagement to strengthen governance and fight corruption even in the most challenging environments.

那一刻,我相信他们认为还有一线希望可以发现生还者。而且为了营救一个生命,他们可以竭尽全力在所不辞。By then, I'm sure they realized there was a slim chance of finding anyone still alive, but if they could find only one, they'd give it everything they had.

赖特麾下主将福莱说,“这是一位非常勇敢、直言不讳的议长,要做的事,即令危及名声,也在所不辞。”"This is a very courageous, assertive Speaker, who is not unwilling when be identifies something he wants to do to put his reputation on the line, " said Mr. Wright's chief lieutenant, Thomas A.