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黑色的西服是你的吗?Is this black one yours?

他穿着一套蓝色哔叽西服。He wore a blue serge suit.

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你的西服已差不多穿旧了。Your suit is almost worn out.

这条领带与你西服很配。This tie matches your suit well.

你曾向这家店订制西服吗?Did you order a suit from the store?

爸爸给我买了一套三件套的西服。Father bought me a three-piece suit.

我有二套西服要送洗衣店。I have two suits to send to laundry.

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他戴了一条新领带与他的西服协调。He wore a new tie to go with his suit.

他们的穿衣风格也很像。他们都穿西服。They dress alike. They both wear suits.

我身穿一套帅气的藏青色西服。I was dressed in a smart navy blue suit.

我想做一套这个料子的西服。I'd like to make a suit of this material.

你为什么穿着名牌西服?开着名牌车?Like, how did you get this suit, the car?

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我总是穿着三件套的西服去上班。I usually wear a three-piece suit to work.

这位优雅的市长穿着裁剪得体的灰色西服。An elegant man in a well-cut gray suit, Mr.

他买下了试穿过的两件套西服。He took the two-piece suit he had tried on.

她已经把丈夫的两件头西服摆出来了。She has laid out her husband's two-piece suit.

他穿上订制的西服显得气度不凡。He looks distinguished in his custom-made suit.

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他洗个淋浴重新换上那身黑西服。he took a shower and changed back into his suit.

他们能不能干洗我的西服,给皮衣做清洁呢?Can they dry clean my suit and clean my fur coat?

她经常穿裤子西服,穿的很老气。She wore trouser suits a lot, dressed much older.