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所以我非常喜欢湛蓝色。So I like blue very.

这里有蓝色的大海,湛蓝的天空。Green and the other is sky blue.

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十月清秋,天空一片湛蓝。October autumn, the sky is blue.

那双明眸犹如宝石湛蓝,嵌在雪地之上。Her eyes are sapphires set in snow.

她的眼睛就象天空那样湛蓝。She's got eyes of the bluest skies.

湛蓝的天空中,连一片云的影子都看不见。Blue sky, a cloud shadow is invisible.

灿烂的阳光撒满在湛蓝的湖面上。The sun dances on blue mountain lakes.

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湛蓝的天空中白云朵朵。The blue sky showed between the clouds.

天空湛蓝,白云悠悠。A clear blue sky, white clouds leisurely.

那时天空如此湛蓝,我们满怀希望。How sweet was hope, the sky how blue and fair!

这里的天空湛蓝深远,空气清新甜润,瑰丽无比。Here the sky blue, the air is fresh sweet, great.

汉克两眼凝视着明亮、湛蓝的怀俄明天空。His eyes stared out into the bright blue Wyoming sky.

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在黄色潜水艇,天是湛蓝的,水是盛绿的!Sky id blue and sea is green in our yellow submarine.

我童稚的天真永远遨游于湛蓝的太空。Childishness naive forever traveling in the blue space.

你幻想鲸豚对湛蓝海域的想望。You imagined whales' and dolphins' fancy of blue water.

我童稚的天真永远遨游于湛蓝的太空。I Childishness naive forever traveling in the blue space.

我确信湛蓝的天空已经在地平线上。I am convinced that blue skies are already on the horizon.

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科学的天空最湛蓝的时候,也正是科学最棒的时刻。Science is at its best when its skies are at their bluest.

她有一身白晰的皮肤和一对湛蓝的眼睛,当然她却没有脚。She had clear skin and blue eyes. She had no feet, though.

当我们来到海边,那湛蓝的海洋会让我们流连忘返。When we come to the beach, azure sea that makes us linger.