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对白云岩化的石灰岩的命名。The name given to dolomitized limestone.

石灰岩实验未观察到粘滑现象。For limestone no stick-slip was observed.

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豆石,豆岩由豆石构成的岩石,常为石灰岩。Rock, usually limestone, composed of pisoliths.

一块巨大的石灰岩上雕刻着法老的脸孔。A huge quartzite block had an engraving of a pharaoh.

大多数洞穴是由石灰岩形成的,这是一种碳酸盐岩。Most caves are formed by limestone, a carbonate rock.

石灰岩的墙上渗着水,我们的鞋上沾满了泥。The limestone walls sweat, and water sloshes around our boots.

石灰岩河床将洞穴的河道分割成千沟万壑。The cave river's course is channelled by the beds of limestone.

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近代巴黎是由大块的石灰岩和石膏构成的。Modern Paris sits atop massive formations of limestone and gypsum.

矗立在供奉塞巴月神伊伦库赫的庙宇后的石灰岩柱。Limestone pillars rear from a temple of the Sabaean moon god Ilumquh.

另一类湖泊是灰岩坑湖,在石灰岩中形成。Another kind of lake is the sinkhole lake, which is formed in limestone.

那里的水从石灰岩里留出来,特别清澈。The water in this area comes from limestone cliffs and is crystal clear.

这里的石灰岩壁肯定比全英国的加起来还要多!There must be more limestone here than the whole of the UK put together!

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还探讨了白云质石灰岩—水玻璃灌浆材料的反应机理。The reaction mechanism of dolomite limestone and water glass was discussed.

大多数古代石灰岩的同位素特征说明了同样的过程。The isotopic signatures of most ancient limestones indicated the same process.

图为洞穴探险家们在黑手洞里奇幻苍白的石灰岩中穿行。Cavers pass surreally shaped pale limestone formations inside Black Hands Cave.

位于栾川县城以西4公里处,是一座天然石灰岩溶洞。Is located 4 kilometers west of the city Luanchuan, is a natural limestone cave.

从多处遗址的挖掘来看,这片丘陵大部分属石炭纪石灰岩。The hills are largely carboniferous limestone, which is quarried at several sites.

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在石灰岩群山的背景下,一位渔夫正用竿子撑着木筏沿漓江而下。A fisher poles his raft down the Li River, against the backdrop of limestone hills.

加法,位于海边的一座石灰岩上的古老海港城市,被防御性的城墙环绕着。Jaffa, an ancient port city of limestone on the sea, is surrounded by protective walls.

广西环江县石灰岩山地有小片森林的分布。There is distribution of Pi-nus kwangtungensis forest of small area in Huanjiang County.