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一小我酒吧买醉!One bar drink!

我回到了酒吧里。Back to the bar.

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我在一家酒吧遇到的她。I met her in a bar.

我们在你的酒吧里见过。We met at your bar.

在酒吧里喝酒呢。Drinking at the bar.

酒吧里乱成了一锅粥。The bar is in chaos.

这是一间单身酒吧。It's bar for singles.

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他们还有一家钢琴酒吧。They have a piano bar.

我们去了一家酒吧而已。We just went to a bar.

在一家酒吧的殴斗中被刺杀。Stabbed in a bar fight.

小伙子,喝一点酒吧。Have a little wine, punk.

我和她约在当地的一家酒吧碰面。I meet her at a local pub.

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沙莉在酒吧里工作。Sally is working in a bar.

存储小酒吧物品。Storing of mini-bar items.

小酒吧物品的订货工作。Ordering of mini-bar items.

但是我不能走进酒吧去找一个25岁的姑娘,不然他们都会当我是色狼。They'd think I'm a pervert.

他不再常去酒吧了。He no longer frequents bars.

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我们都中途下车到一家酒吧去。We all stopped off at a bar.

我们去了两三家酒吧。We went to a couple of bars.

他不喜欢酒吧和酒店。He disliked bars and bodegas.