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这是一个骗局。It was a trick.

没有垃圾邮件,也不骗局。No spam, nor scam.

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这明显是一个骗局。It’s an obvious hoax.

我识破了那个骗局。I saw through the fraud.

这次选举是一场骗局。The election is a fraud.

实际上等于是个骗局。That practically amounts to a fraud.

埃娃看穿了埃罗尔和他的骗局。Ava caught on to Errol and his tricks.

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他想拉特德入伙参加那个骗局。He tried to rope Ted in on that swindle.

下面是一个经典的骗局例子。Here s an example of a classical swindle.

别的都是骗局,都是苍白的仿制品。Anything else is a sham, a pale imitation.

我们大多数人都不懂这里面的骗局。Most of us don't understand this jugglery.

他的许诺都是圈套和骗局。All his promises were snares and delusions.

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这些骗局撞击在它的品牌要害。The scams struck at the heart of its brand.

这计划的本身显然是一个骗局。The plan, however, was self-evidently a fake.

行贿往往让大型骗局变得容易。Big swindles are often facilitated by bribery.

真是一个畸形的笑话,我敢说,这是一个骗局。It's a freaking joke, dare I say, even a scam.

这是骗局、猜测、还是一次未经授权的泄密?Was it a hoax, a guess or an unauthorized leak?

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诱骗者,赌棍同伙充当眼线的人,如在一场骗局中。One who acts as a decoy, as in a confidence game.

他们声称中国的经济反弹只是又一个骗局。They claim China's bounceback is yet another fake.

那最后的骗局就比先前的更坏了!This last imposture would be worse than the first.