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增员,你能否承受?Can You Afford to Hire?

这需要比较强的承受能力。It's hard-hitting stuff.

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这几根大梁承受得住压力。These big joists can bear.

无法承受的重担!Unbearable responsibility!

他们承受着痛苦,非常愤怒。And they suffer, they rage.

它承受着两个障碍。It suffers from two handicaps.

我不想继续活下去承受痛苦。I don't want to live and suffer.

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她觉得我太有钱了,她承受不起。She thinks I am too rich for her.

误差的承受范围是多少呢?What is the tolerance for errors?

你知道它承受了多重的海水么?Do you know how much water weighs?

他可能承受不住了,我猜想。He couldn't stand things, I guess.

我能承受那不忠之痛。I can take the pain of infidelity.

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亲爱的,你要学会承受输钱的压力。Babe, you need to learn how to lose.

没有那个孩子需要承受唇裂或腭裂的煎熬。No child needs to suffer with a clef.

测量你对于废话的承受度。Measure your threshold for taking crap.

他们不必承受饥馑和灾祸They don't suffer famines or disasters.

欣儿打动,承受了孙浩的感情。Hin, bear the SunHao by son of feelings.

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不会让我承受痛苦的凌迟。I will not let the Lingzhi endured pain.

冰太薄,承受不了你们的重量。The ice is too thin to bear your weight.

谁就恰当地承受上天的恩宠。They rightly do inherit heaven's graces.