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因此,我们需要采取多方面的措施,标本兼治,才能真正解决问题。We need to take many measures to be able to solve the problem completely.

总的看,这些重大政策措施,注重标本兼治、。These major policy measures as a whole target both symptoms and root causes.

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反腐败要标本兼治,规范权力运行机制是反腐败的治本措施。Therefore, power operation must be standardized to eradicate the social corruption.

标本兼治,打击与预防并重。Secondly, addressing both the symptoms and root causes by paying equal attention to prevention.

解决腐败问题需要标本兼治,其前提是找准病源。It needs seeking both a temporary solution and a permanent cure to solve the corruption problem.

而中药标本兼治,温和调理,绿色安全,但是见效较慢。And Chinese medicine specimen and cure, it mildly regulates, green, but effective safety is slow.

中国主张反恐采取综合办法,标本兼治。China stands for a holistic approach which addresses both the symptoms and root causes of terrorism.

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针灸消除面部皱纹具有标本兼治的作用,故能收到良好的治疗效果。Acupuncture has both the root causes to eliminate the role of facial wrinkles, it can receive good treatment.

于是,他与梅映佳、宋斐配合,标本兼治地对姜窦施行了“冷冻法”。So, he and MeiYingJia, SongFei cooperate, specimen and cure to ginger sinus implemented the "freezing method".

要解决这一“顽症”,办好让人民满意的教育,必须标本兼治,综合治理。Only by seeking expedient and fundamental solutions and comprehensive administration can this problem be solved.

他提出“毒病”说,遣方用药整体把握,标本兼治,身心同治,药食并举。He raised the theory of "poison leads to diseases" Also he administered medical herbs and prescription by global idea.

为乳腺病临床治疗学提出了一条较理想的且可标本兼治的治疗途径。Proposed for the mastopathy clinical therapeutics is ideal the treatment way which also may treat the symptoms and causes.

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欲标本兼治,就必须釜底抽薪,进行原则性法典的创制,而原则性法典亦是将来法典之面目。To solve the issue thoroughly, one can do nothing but resort to codes of principle, which will surely dominate in prospective.

只有从治理弊端入手,才能标本兼治,从根本上提高会计信息的质量。We think that the defects of property rights and corporation management are the real root of the false accounting information.

突破外生技术壁垒必须做到标本兼治,关键在于提高产品的质量,进而提高企业及其产品竞争力。Breaking through external technical barriers must orient its roots to improve quality of products and competitiveness of enterprises.

要处理好这一问题需要倡导政治、外交等和平解决方式,采取标本兼治、综合治理的办法。Its proper solution lies in political and diplomatic means and a comprehensive approach to address both the symptoms and root causes.

不含尼古丁,恢复体内正常的酸碱平衡和血糖水平,标本兼治。It contains no nicotine, can recover the normal acid-base balance and blood glucose levels, and can treat the symptoms and root causes.

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机理独特、卵虫同防、标本兼治,更有效解决重茬问题。The mechanism is unique, the egg insect with against, treats the symptoms and the causes, effective addressing continuous cropping question.

如果菅直人想要表明由其政府所代表的改革属于标本兼治,终止龟井静香的提案或许是个不错的开始。If Mr Kan wants to show that the changes represented by his government are better than skin-deep, stopping Mr Kamei's bill would be a good start.

控制农村初中辍学率较为有效的措施是标本兼治、齐抓共管、政策落到实处、深化农村教育改革。Control of rural junior high school dropout rate is more effective measures to practice, make concerted efforts to implement policies, deepen rural reform.