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互助会社也施行着各自的道德规范。Mutual-aid societies also enforced moral codes.

该会社是否会设有酒吧柜枱?Whether there be a bar counter on the premises?

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她用一根比通常宽得多的粉红色带子把头发扎起来,然后再给苔丝穿上那件在会社游行时穿的白色袍子。She tied it with a broader pink ribbon than usual.

日莲佛教支持白龙会社团。The Nichiren Buddhists support the White Dragon Society.

那个会社筹办的这次舞会是上流社会活动。The ball organised by that club was a blue- blooded event.

以日本邮船会社为靠山的运输公司谴责运价下跌,收益下滑。NYK-backed carrier blames decision on pricing decline, falling yields.

还有很多俳句竞赛,有的是由上面这些会社举办的。There are numerous contests for haiku , some sponsored by the about societies.

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如五华广州胡姓宗亲促进会社。If five China Guangzhou Hu surnamed clansmen association for promotion society.

韩国KOMELON珠式会社,主要为生产高档卷尺。South Korea KOMELON steel-ball club, mainly for the production of high-grade tape.

——这是我的几个私人朋友,会社游行他们没有尽兴,我花钱请他们来的。Being a few private friends asked in tonight to keep up club-walking at my own expense.

许多互助会社还创办自己的医院和疗养院。Many mutual-aid societies branched out and founded their own hospitals and sanitariums.

一个由65位制琴匠组成的联营会社为产品颁发合格证书并帮助提琴在市场上营销。Some 65 luthiers have formed a consortium that certifies products and helps with marketing.

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可以预见,在未来一段时期内,会社仍将是社会史研究领域的一个热点。The group study will become the focus in the field of social history research in the future.

实质上,日清汽船会社就是日本对华经济侵略的一个重要工具。Virtually, Nisshin Kisen Kaisha was an important tool in Japan's aggression against Chinese economy.

高储备使会社很难再以价格优势和传统的保险公司竞争。High reserve requirements made it difficult for societies to undercut traditional insurance companies.

我搬到芝加哥。我接到选角会社打来的电话,问我可以来为一部电影试音吗?。I moved to Chicago. I get a call from a casting agent asking, would I like to come and audition for a movie?

一些共济会社通过转型为传统保险公司来逃避国家的打击。Some fraternal societies escaped the attack of the state by converting into traditional insurance corporations.

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舒尔曼说研究显示你可以通过做一些简单的事情来保持身体健康翻訳会社。Shulman says the study shows there are some simple things you can do to improve your chances of staying healthy.

然而,他对文学艺术的热情始终如一。同年,他和约翰·莱斯一起创立了诗人会社。That same year, maintaining his interest in the literary arts, Yeats confounded the Rhymer's Club with John Rhys.

在此之前,会社倾向于低储备以便提供最大的救济能力。Until this time, societies had tended to keep low reserves in order to pay the maximum benefits possible to members.